Someone in the George News stream last night was leaving cryptic messages with superchat donations. These messages had a tone and style we are all familiar with. YouSeeNothing made the following comments along with significant superchat donations:
"Will the credits for this movie start to roll in March?"
"I Fancy Running Into You" - adds up to 274
"But His Hand Is StretchedOut Still?" - 328
"Saying I Love You Is NotEnough Anymore?" - 437
"Everybody Is Laughing AtMe" - 242
"Words Can Be AmbiguousAnd Easily MisunderstoodBut Numbers AreUnequivocal! 5:5"
After that last comment, George News responded: "Numbers" and a 1-2-3-4 symbol.
A couple other users solicited some intriguing responses from George. I didn't record their usernames but I have timestamps for the George comments:
USER - "Are the bloodlines going down?"
31:06 - GEORGEnews - "BLOODLINES are moving to LBRY... link soon as we need to add subtitles"
33:54 - GEORGEnews - "GUARINO ❤️?? ....WAITING"
Obviously a lot to unpack there. So let's get to it, frens! Is George News a comms tool for Q, or is it a paytriot scam? Do those comments from YouSeeNothing have a hidden numerical meaning? Are the credits really going to start rolling in March?
And could Trump possibly open his speech tonight with the words My fellow Americans...THE STORM IS UPON US???
You're right, I forgot it was that relevant. See also Amos 1-2 for a series of sins and punishments that includes all the nations. "Because they have ripped open pregnant women in Gilead, that they might enlarge their border." "Because they sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals—those who trample the head of the poor into the dust of the earth and turn aside the way of the afflicted; a man and his father go in to the same girl, so that my holy name is profaned; they lay themselves down beside every altar on garments taken in pledge, and in the house of their God they drink the wine of those who have been fined." Whoa, with a Q lens that's damning. Red shoes.
As someone who first opened a bible less than a year ago, my mind is constantly blown by passages like the one you just showed me...