As we wait for Trump, CPAC has done a pretty huge tribute to themselves. They seem to think of themselves as the future of the conservative movement.
Don't get it twisted. It's not CPAC. It's Trump and his supporters. If Trump wasn't speaking today, CPAC would be irrelevant. It almost is already.
No Doubt! This movement has no space for any Rhino's they all have been exposed they need to switch parties or retire they sure as heck ain't winning again! The only speech I'm waiting and watching is one and that is Trump!
How many of the CPAC speakers are going to be in GITMO in six months? There is a number and it's not zero.
I could not agree more. CPAC is filled with swamp creatures.
Good grief, what’s this perverse need to tear down good people doing good things for the sake of liberty in America and around the world?
I knew of none of this great work that CPAC had been doing.
Bless them, the actual doers, leveraging Donald Trump’s leadership.
May this great event, and all the exposure Trump’s participation brings, bring these warriors for freedom greater support in the future.