Take a breath guys and chill.
He has to push the vaccine.
It was under his admin that got it out so quickly. So it makes sense for him to promote it.
Haven't you notice that the MSM is now pushing the idea. That even if you get the vac. You still need to wear a mask & social distance? Bill Gates has even suggested that a 3rd shot might be needed!!!!
Trump knows the Great Reset was suppose to be a slow and gradual movement to the new world order. The end date was suppose to be around 2030.
I think the NWO folks wanted to shut us down for many years. Which they then would say "We are working on a vaccine",
Until then.. We must stay locked in and limit group activities.
This also would have given then time to bring in their new money system as well.
Now that Trump forced them to produce a vac much quicker than they expected. It has completely thrown a wrench into their plans.
It's going to be hard for them to push the message that everyone is sick.
They've been making it for years! All planned.
They planned multiple different vaccines? Some are still in development even.
I think they probably planned several of them, the mRNA tech ones.
Other vaccines may be new or already in development. The coronavirus is similar to SARS so I think the work carries over.
Do you believe the virus is man made? If so, someone has had it or something similar to play with for years. All those bioweapons labs round the world are there for a reason. I expect they make diseases and vaccines.
Not all diseases,but you are mostly correct.