If any of you are still having doubts, check out this Lin Wood tweet !
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In scenario 2: What happens to the chain? Wouldn't it go kamala than speaker than senate and on down the line if they 25th amendment him? Trump wouldn't even be on the short list in that case
I think it would have to be scenario 1.
I think so too, but the treason will have to envelope all of them together-rico style. They're all in cahoots with CCP, justifying a massive military move.
I remember Pieczenik, McInerny and others saying that the ballots all had quantum dot watermarks that were traceable. Think that would make quick work of the auditing process.
Yeah, but there are patents on these watermarks, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility.
Also more votes than voters is a quick and easy way to prove fraud that vitiates electrons
I think the military would step in to somehow stop that from happening.
I was thinking if he was taken out in the 25th amendment and she was proven intelligible by birth status of both parents being foreigners.
Ugh what a thought. But then all of them from biden down give me the creeps and my spine tingles.