And tunnels. And, supposedly, he dabbles in a few other interests, too.
Dude is simply something else.
Everybody here is so wrapped up in "friend-or-foe", that they forget the perfectly valid option of "something else." Well, Elon Musk is "something else" in every sense of the word. And the fact that he clearly doesn't swallow gaslit bullshit increases my faith in humanity.
Musk is just a really rich dude who likes to put money into things he likes nothing more to it for him. Which it's his money you know and at least it's benefits us in some way.
And tunnels. And, supposedly, he dabbles in a few other interests, too.
Dude is simply something else.
Everybody here is so wrapped up in "friend-or-foe", that they forget the perfectly valid option of "something else." Well, Elon Musk is "something else" in every sense of the word. And the fact that he clearly doesn't swallow gaslit bullshit increases my faith in humanity.
Musk is just a really rich dude who likes to put money into things he likes nothing more to it for him. Which it's his money you know and at least it's benefits us in some way.
He’s a Venusian. 53 miles west of Venus (B-52’s).