I work in the medical industry, and I have had COVID patients tell me they don't think this is legit. They are forced into these rooms in a shut-down hallway, and they don't have a say in when they can leave. They are being locked down against their will, for $3900 (at least) a day, for the hospital in Medicare kickbacks. I'm hearing a lot of people saying they will do whatever it takes to not do business with the place that I am at, because of the way that they have handled this fake pandemic. Trump had passed an executive order regarding hospitals revealing their itemized true costs of care, medications, and procedures. So when a hospital is suddenly "opening up" the building, that's what they're really doing. They are hiding the fact that they are scamming people for hella bucks. There are hospitals out there being investigated for embezzlement, fraud, etc., on top of medical malpractice, #1 cause of death in the industry.
One article kind of talking about what I'm referring to.
I have a question for you that I have been struggling with. When you get these mask nazi’s on various social media outlets, inevitably, there are mostly nurses (not doctors) who are saying “ I see the death and the ramifications of people not wearing masks, don’t tell me this isn’t real”
Are these the shills, lying nurses or are they misinformed and honestly believe what they are saying? Maybe the answer is yes to all of them but they do no good service and one of the reasons I have lost all trust in the healthcare provider industry
Both...I'll give you an example. Visited my primary care physician last week and we talked about being ready fcr COVID to end. I went into some details of how all the numbers are fabricated and the methods used to do so. He responds with "yeah, there's definitely some strange political stuff going on with it, I don't know, I just do what I'm told." And THERE you have it...
It's easier for the Sheep to just follow the Crowd.
A growing number of doctors are bucking the system, ditching insurance entirely. They are hard to find, but are interested in helping people instead of being insurance adjusters.
I can't blame them too much, Government has fucked everything up.
I must be doing something right: both my doctors told me not to take it because it's experimental.