"Company! Our mission is to seek, capture, and evenly distribute HOPIUM from the Q fields... A-TEN-HUT.... fooowwwrrrrd harch."
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I've wondered about this. He HAD to do something or he would have been crucified. Also, I've wondered if the DS plan was for Chyna or elsewhere to make a vaccine worse than what we have. Perhaps quite fatal?
I still hold to the theory that the expediency of the 'vaccine' was to curtail the globalists plans to keep counties/states/countries in a wait-and-see mode for years while they "develop" the vaccine.
Imagine being the Trump admin or hell, even Q team and having to play the hand you were dealt by China via the NWO in the form of this shitty virus. Which is very real, but not nearly as dangerous as all the mockingbirds would have us believe.
I can't see DJT recommending good conscience a thing that he knows would kill people, much less Americans. His general track-record as POTUS screams otherwise as well.
tl;dr: I think Trump/admin was forced to make lemonade with Chinese lemons.
Notice how many times he's specifically said that "it would have taken them 5 years to deliver it". Notice the FUD they keep trying to spread still, they had planned to keep lockdowns going on a lot longer.
Bigtime agree, he definitely doubles down on the miraculously speedy nature of Operation Warpspeed and I think we're beginning to understand why,
You make a fantastic point. One I never even thought of. I was even wondering why he promotes vaccines when I’ve heard bad things about them so far.
Your point makes so much more sense. Definitely like Trump to be several steps ahead of the DS
Interesting. I had not considered that.