But we know we have kamaltoe waiting in the wings waiting to drown them mashed spuds w gravy.
Should we not prepare for when they make the switch? With how fast time is moving there is no telling how much time there is (kamala:trump:military)
But we know we have kamaltoe waiting in the wings waiting to drown them mashed spuds w gravy.
Should we not prepare for when they make the switch? With how fast time is moving there is no telling how much time there is (kamala:trump:military)
None of that is real.
That’s what people are, through the absurdity of POTATUS, realizing... none of that is real. Even though the media, to their swelling discredit, keeps sweating that everything is just fine.
Joe’s a puppet, and so is Kumonthe Horris.
I know it looks awful.
But please don’t worry.
Nobody likes her wack ass either. Not scared or concerned. Plan going well in my sight
One swamp-rat at a time...
The optics will be terrible to have an unelected person as president we have to push it to the next step
He can't leave until he has put in at least 2 years - if she serves more than two years of his term, it counts as her first term. If less, she can run for two more full terms.
Just a thought what if Trump swooped back in after 2 yr so he could get another 6yr.
Hmm. Ok. Kamala is waiting in the wings to dot smoother him with butter instead of drown him in gravy.
Apologies ?
If Kamala assumes Presidency, then Nancy's just 'one heartbeat away' . I'll bet that Kamala won't a good night's sleep after that. Nancy is a 'goal-oriented' person.
Defies logic