396 Newest member of the black eye club (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by BarefootRunDMC 3 years ago by BarefootRunDMC +396 / -0 138 comments download share 138 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
We did not reject the Bible, its doctrines, or Christ. We DID reject the extra-Biblical dogmas that are found throughout mainstream Christianity.
Sadly, you rejected the Church in favor of a cult founded by a polygamous pedophile and womanizer who was a satanic Freemason occultist and modeled much of his cults symbolism and rituals on Freemason occultism. Irrefutable facts right here.
That's what you've been told. It doesn't make it true.
I marvel at how many people like to tell us what we believe rather than ask us what we believe.
Yes, to this. Factual history.
Not accurate.
Historically, LDS rejected the Christian Church and the Bible in favor of their prophets.
The LDS has a different Jesus and a different way of salvation.
Mitt Romney is just something akin to a modern day Joseph Smith They are similar con men.
Which ones?
Virgin birth? Trinity? What else?
Tell you what, if you'll ask specific questions, I'll answer them all to the best of my ability. Only do this if your curiosity is genuine.
If it is, you'll find this to be a good starting point. The first 8 minutes are fluff:
I am not curios.
I have studied the history of the convicted con man and felon, Joseph Smith.
I have read the words of the LDS prophets and understand where they deviate from the Bible.
The creeds only recounted biblical truths, so which creed statements does the LDS consider to be an abomination?
It is a simple, short list.
Ok, have a nice day.