3 towers came down on 9/11. one was not hit by a plane, this was building 7. all three towers, 1,2 and 7 were the first steel skyscrapers in human history to collapse directly into their footprint due to ‘fire’. Statistically impossible all 3 would collapse in this way unlike any other fire in a steel skyscraper in the world, all on the same day.
I feel like I’m in bizzaro world, I don’t remember people talking about building 7 before today. Probably because in the 9/11 days I was still watching misleadia.
tell that to Building 7
You lost me on that reference, but I’m happy to read about.
It wasn't just the twin towers that buckled. A nearby building that wasn't hit fell the same way. No jetfuel, no big planes smashing. Same fate.
Did they allege that to be a shockwave? Or what? I don’t remember hearing about that, but I was 20 years younger too.
Edit: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/most-americans-who-see-collapse-of-building-7-doubt-official-story-survey-finds-300914145.html
No WAY did fires take down that building wth.
3 towers came down on 9/11. one was not hit by a plane, this was building 7. all three towers, 1,2 and 7 were the first steel skyscrapers in human history to collapse directly into their footprint due to ‘fire’. Statistically impossible all 3 would collapse in this way unlike any other fire in a steel skyscraper in the world, all on the same day.
I feel like I’m in bizzaro world, I don’t remember people talking about building 7 before today. Probably because in the 9/11 days I was still watching misleadia.
Here's some good info on bldg 7. Also, check out the part in article how the guy (Silverstein) made a bunch of money off the insurance policy.