Anyone else embarrassed he's a White Male?????
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Brown pede here. Can confirm. Its dumb to feel embarassed to be white just like its dumb to feel proud for being brown. Be embarassed of your merits, be proud of your accomplishments. Brennan is basic. I hate that Brennan son of a bitch.
Brennan and people like him that push the "muh white guilt" narrative are being extremely manipulative and disingenuous, that's what pisses me off the most about it, they KNOW exactly what they're doing. They're fueling the racial flames, they KNOW they're pissing off most white folk with that garbage in hopes they take up arms just like they staged that fake insurrection at the capitol (they even had the balls to call it a "riot" LOL).
Unfortunately are falling for the obvious race baiting.
I'm not proud to be black, I'm proud to be AMERICAN.
Agree 100%. has fallen into the hands of the desperate and the shills. It was successfully destroyed. I can see why, but still feel sorry for them. I feel their pain.