Yeah very possible. This is the first time hearing warnings of this nature. With the number of volcanoes and earthquakes we've had in the last couple months it seems like something we should pay attention to.
Yellowstone would cover most of the US in 30+ inches of soot.
I've heard that yellowstone is too "wide of a hole" for any high altitude eruptions and that it would just ooze out. Volcanos blow like that due to the immense pressure from small hole
This channel follows earthquakes around the world and noticed some warning signs popping up in yellowstone.
Experts have said for a long time that if yellowstone goes it would blanket the US in soot for weeks.
The animal mass migrating from the area and fissures opening up disrupting gas and electric services could be good signs that its getting ready to pop.
A massive volcano erupted today in Indonesian and several other large eruptions in the last month or so.
If Yellowstone goes. Large parts of several states in essence cease to exist. Buried under so much soot and ash. Air travel is all but non-existent. Emergency response is crippled.
Massive Earthquakes would shake the area immediately around Yellowstone
Food production would cease for an undefined period. The air over large portions of the country would be unsafe to breathe for months if not longer. Problems mount further if water tables are contaminated.
Risks of soil contamination are also present. Which poses risks to farmland long term.
The humanitarian crisis would be unprecedented in U.S History. And the death toll would be obscenely high in a nation that has rising rates of asthma and respiratory conditions.
A blanket of soot is the absolute least of the problems that could arise if Yellowstone blows its top.
Yep I have been watching seismic and volcanic activity around the world. It might get biblical real soon.DutchSinse on YouTube does a good job covering the earthquakes too. He has been noticing the USGS downgrading and not reporting alot of activity. Those tremors are very telling in Yellowstone. There are also an increase in microtremors around St Helens and Mt Reiner.
This year has to be an outlier for earthquake and volcano activity. We had three 7.0+ quakes in a couple hour period around the earth. Multiple large volcanoes, like another one in Indonesia this morning.
Q mentions boom, pain, and darkness several times.
I've been getting internal guidance that there are many earth changes on their way in the near future, but time is relative so it's difficult to call. Though the fact that herds are migrating early is a very powerful indicator. Thanks for sharing.
Animals know shit people do not. Had a dog give me about a 20 second warning of earthquake, knocking bedroom door open at about 4 am. Scrappy little Jack Russel. YS super volcano eruption would certainly bring things to a head. At least initially, I would find it cathartic and a relief.
I drove from north dakota to the west coast many times during 2018 and 2020. Glad I dont need to anymore! I passed right by yellowstone! I remember when the articles were claiming yellowstone was getting ready for something a bit ago. Still drove through since I trusted in the lord that nothing would happen.
It'll be darkness for a shit load more than 10 days. It'll change the world and take down the world economy, among other things like massive deaths and starvation. It's a game changer that would take decades to recover from.
Absolutely agree with everything you just said, like the link below says, much of the country would be covered in 39 inches of soot. Definitely at least 10 days of darkness.
I would think most people who've ever watched a documentary about super volcanoes, especially Yellowstone, would agree it's going to blow at sometime( personally, I'm leaning towards inside next 20 years).. the 10 days of darkness has so many theories it's hard to keep up but, if Yellowstone goes I guarantee it will be darker for longer than 10 days.
Agreed, so many theories on boom and darkness. The timing of these warnings is odd. Either tunnels being demolished or yellowstone is doing a little more shaking than normal.
I'll go with the latter of your two theories. My problem with them blowing up underground tunnels is that trillions of dollars would be wasted.. cut in the white hats just take them over instead of destroying them? Couldn't they be used for future catastrophic events? Missile strikes? Shelters? I once read an article that said you could travel from coast to coast without ever coming above the surface of ground. Seems it would be more beneficial to expose any evil going on and preserve them for other uses.IDK
Animals are mass migrating out of yellowstone, well before typical migration periods. Theres seismic action, large fissures are opening up, some miles long, disrupting gas and electric services.
Experts have said for a long time that if yellowstones pops it would blanket the US in soot for week
Thats another possibility. Not long after posting this someone on gab post a picture of all the known tunnels in the US. Quite a few run through the yellowstone area.
Same warning continuously for many many years, though.
I dont recall ever seeing the warning of animal migrations and large fissures opening up?
Yeah very possible. This is the first time hearing warnings of this nature. With the number of volcanoes and earthquakes we've had in the last couple months it seems like something we should pay attention to.
Yellowstone would cover most of the US in 30+ inches of soot.
I've heard that yellowstone is too "wide of a hole" for any high altitude eruptions and that it would just ooze out. Volcanos blow like that due to the immense pressure from small hole
Got the same warning in 2014 and 2019
This channel follows earthquakes around the world and noticed some warning signs popping up in yellowstone.
Experts have said for a long time that if yellowstone goes it would blanket the US in soot for weeks.
The animal mass migrating from the area and fissures opening up disrupting gas and electric services could be good signs that its getting ready to pop.
A massive volcano erupted today in Indonesian and several other large eruptions in the last month or so.
If Yellowstone goes. Large parts of several states in essence cease to exist. Buried under so much soot and ash. Air travel is all but non-existent. Emergency response is crippled.
Massive Earthquakes would shake the area immediately around Yellowstone
Food production would cease for an undefined period. The air over large portions of the country would be unsafe to breathe for months if not longer. Problems mount further if water tables are contaminated.
Risks of soil contamination are also present. Which poses risks to farmland long term.
The humanitarian crisis would be unprecedented in U.S History. And the death toll would be obscenely high in a nation that has rising rates of asthma and respiratory conditions.
A blanket of soot is the absolute least of the problems that could arise if Yellowstone blows its top.
Yep I have been watching seismic and volcanic activity around the world. It might get biblical real soon.DutchSinse on YouTube does a good job covering the earthquakes too. He has been noticing the USGS downgrading and not reporting alot of activity. Those tremors are very telling in Yellowstone. There are also an increase in microtremors around St Helens and Mt Reiner.
This year has to be an outlier for earthquake and volcano activity. We had three 7.0+ quakes in a couple hour period around the earth. Multiple large volcanoes, like another one in Indonesia this morning.
Q mentions boom, pain, and darkness several times.
Maybe this is what they meant?
I've been getting internal guidance that there are many earth changes on their way in the near future, but time is relative so it's difficult to call. Though the fact that herds are migrating early is a very powerful indicator. Thanks for sharing.
The number of volcanoes and earthquakes lately is quite worrisome.
Animals know shit people do not. Had a dog give me about a 20 second warning of earthquake, knocking bedroom door open at about 4 am. Scrappy little Jack Russel. YS super volcano eruption would certainly bring things to a head. At least initially, I would find it cathartic and a relief.
Off topic totally, but we loved our little JR. RIP 8/2020 17 yo. Great dogs, and you are right, they know when shit aint right.
Agreed, our animals (dogs and horses) spend all day outside. But they let us know when a storm is coming. They head inside well before it arrives.
Thats some impressive destruction. Scary but wow.
1000 mm = 39 inches. Yikes. I'm glad I made it to Yellowstone several times already. Hayden Valley is like heaven IMHO.
That would bring the world to a halt, 40 inches of soot.
I used to live in Wyoming and still never made it to yellowstone. It would be a shame if it blows. Id love to see it one day.
I drove from north dakota to the west coast many times during 2018 and 2020. Glad I dont need to anymore! I passed right by yellowstone! I remember when the articles were claiming yellowstone was getting ready for something a bit ago. Still drove through since I trusted in the lord that nothing would happen.
It's sure not if but, when ? I live in the Snake River Plain this gets talked about every so often.
We'd be easily invaded if this happened.
It would be absolutely catastrophic. It would effect the weather everywhere on the planet. That kind of scale.
It'll be darkness for a shit load more than 10 days. It'll change the world and take down the world economy, among other things like massive deaths and starvation. It's a game changer that would take decades to recover from.
Absolutely agree with everything you just said, like the link below says, much of the country would be covered in 39 inches of soot. Definitely at least 10 days of darkness.
Is this the boom q was referring to?
Whats your take? Media blackout? Power?
I would think most people who've ever watched a documentary about super volcanoes, especially Yellowstone, would agree it's going to blow at sometime( personally, I'm leaning towards inside next 20 years).. the 10 days of darkness has so many theories it's hard to keep up but, if Yellowstone goes I guarantee it will be darker for longer than 10 days.
Agreed, so many theories on boom and darkness. The timing of these warnings is odd. Either tunnels being demolished or yellowstone is doing a little more shaking than normal.
I'll go with the latter of your two theories. My problem with them blowing up underground tunnels is that trillions of dollars would be wasted.. cut in the white hats just take them over instead of destroying them? Couldn't they be used for future catastrophic events? Missile strikes? Shelters? I once read an article that said you could travel from coast to coast without ever coming above the surface of ground. Seems it would be more beneficial to expose any evil going on and preserve them for other uses.IDK
Animals are mass migrating out of yellowstone, well before typical migration periods. Theres seismic action, large fissures are opening up, some miles long, disrupting gas and electric services.
Experts have said for a long time that if yellowstones pops it would blanket the US in soot for week
Boom, pain, and darkness
Blowing up the tunnels?
Thats another possibility. Not long after posting this someone on gab post a picture of all the known tunnels in the US. Quite a few run through the yellowstone area.
Got a link for the maps or know what it was called? (Tunnels in the US?)
Its a photo on my phone. I dont really use any photo sharing services.