Watch the Water?
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This is normal. I have no idea why they say the difference isn't very stark ... It is.
I grew up there. I make jokes about the Steelers and the Mon (the shit brown river) just to piss off the locals. The Mon being deep brown means that everyone in WVa is shitting on Pittsburgh (the Mon is one of the rare rivers that flows north). Moreover, the South Side of Pittsburgh is a demented shithole ... That also explains a lot of the brown. Moreover, the banana pant wearing Sunday gladiators practice on that river ... Most of the full of shit NFL refuse is dumped there.
I fucking hate Pittsburgh. This is nothing though ... It is normal for this lovely cesspool on the Ohio :-) .
Yeah, that rotten accent gets worse if I drink ... Fortunately I don't drink at all these days. The frigging hangovers cripple me :-).
I wasn't that kind of drinker ... Just socially ... But you know how yinzers can down beers :-).
I think I may have had a six pack over the past 10 years ... I simply lost interest + was sick and tired of feeling like trash the day after.
I can mask the accent somewhat ... But if I have to say house, color, or down, I'm frigging doomed :-) . I don't say yinz for some reason though ... Odd. I do make effective use of jagoff though :-).