Unmasked lady here- I saw another unmasked guy at self check out and nodded at him. I asked him where his mask was. He smiled and said he left it....and before he could finish his sentence I said, " UP YOUR BUTT?!?" We laughed. It was a good time at the grocery store for the first time since last year. I'm 30 and making "up your butt" jokes...not the most mature moment lol
Unmasked lady here- I saw another unmasked guy at self check out and nodded at him. I asked him where his mask was. He smiled and said he left it....and before he could finish his sentence I said, " UP YOUR BUTT?!?" We laughed. It was a good time at the grocery store for the first time since last year. I'm 30 and making "up your butt" jokes...not the most mature moment lol
Sounds like you watched, too many times, the Office episode where Stanley uses that response for every question :)
I have definitely watched that show too many times haha