Dude I’ve been trying to redpill my wife about COVID. The mental gymnastics she plays, and she’s not even a Democrat.
Me: “How come there’s virtually no flu cases or deaths in the last year?
Her: “Because everyone is wearing masks and social distancing.”
Me: “If that stuff protects against viruses so well, then why are people still getting the COVID virus?”
Her: “Because people have no immunity to the coronavirus like they do the flu.”
Me: “If everybody has immunity to the flu, then why do they have a new flu vaccine every year?”
Her: “Well the flu gets a new variant every year, so it’s slightly different.”
Me: “There are other coronaviruses, though. The common cold is a coronavirus. This variant is ‘slightly different’.”
Her: “Yes, but it’s just different.”
Me: “How?”
Her: “Idk, it just is! People don’t have the antibodies for it.”
And we just circle around like that for a couple more minutes before I finally give up. I’ve told her how the number of deaths this year in the US is the lowest it has been in 10 years, I told her how the data shows far fewer people died of the leading causes of death this year than normal, I even showed her news articles and such where car accident and gun shot deaths are being reported as COVID deaths. Thankfully she has no intentions of getting the vaccine.
Dude I’ve been trying to redpill my wife about COVID. The mental gymnastics she plays, and she’s not even a Democrat. Me: “How come there’s virtually no flu cases or deaths in the last year? Her: “Because everyone is wearing masks and social distancing.” Me: “If that stuff protects against viruses so well, then why are people still getting the COVID virus?” Her: “Because people have no immunity to the coronavirus like they do the flu.” Me: “If everybody has immunity to the flu, then why do they have a new flu vaccine every year?” Her: “Well the flu gets a new variant every year, so it’s slightly different.” Me: “There are other coronaviruses, though. The common cold is a coronavirus. This variant is ‘slightly different’.” Her: “Yes, but it’s just different.” Me: “How?” Her: “Idk, it just is! People don’t have the antibodies for it.”
And we just circle around like that for a couple more minutes before I finally give up. I’ve told her how the number of deaths this year in the US is the lowest it has been in 10 years, I told her how the data shows far fewer people died of the leading causes of death this year than normal, I even showed her news articles and such where car accident and gun shot deaths are being reported as COVID deaths. Thankfully she has no intentions of getting the vaccine.