Yeah I find it funny they talk about chain of custody. Chain of custody was broken when the subpoena wasn’t complied with. That should have led to an immediate warrant and police showing up to seize assets and evidence.
Policy enforcers (Police) work for the corporation and will only act to defend them and their interests. The Police will NEVER act in the defense of the people or their rights unless it suits the corporation.
The Sheriffs on the other hand have a Constitutional duty and should have done exactly what you say and arrested anyone who tried to stop them. Deputized as many patriots as it takes to see the job done.
I know a lot of police officers, dozens of deputies, too, and can say, without question or hesitation, 90% of police officers are just like us.
They want the people to own firearms, to call bullshit when they see it, and stand for their rights.
Some are very self centered and have some kind of self importance they take out on the people, fuck them.
The overwhelming majority I deal with (dozens of departments, and agencies) have never once asked or required me to wear a mask on their property or in the building, most didn't wear masks themselves. Most are just like us, with our own bullshit and complexities, and THEY know it, and treat us as such. I've been shocked throughout the whole pandemic how hard the vibe was that they knew it was bullshit - but had to take precautions for PR reasons - and openly talk about it. With each other and us, as outsiders, I'm not a cop, and they're open with me. They don't know me or have a reason to trust me, other than business, yet they do.
TLDR; most cops, deputies, officers etc. Are genuinely good people who want us live as our rights were laid out in writing, some suck, but the majority don't.
I understand your point of view but I have been a live for a long time and have lived in all parts of this country except the mid-west. I have seen and dealt with cops from coast to coast, north and south.
I appreciate that the cops you know are cool. Your 90% figure is bullshit frankly. When cops look at regular people they are suspicious. They are constantly looking for some violation or rule breakage to some degree. They see themselves as powerful over the people and they abuse it. Don't get me started on the SFPD narcotics unit. Fuckers used to bring dope home to give to their friends AFTER tearing some family apart. Kids toys handed out to friends. They didn't like me much when I asked "what happened to the kid that used to own that toy?"
I know there are cool cops. I have known a couple over the years. 90% are good? No freakin way. 40% tops and even that is a stretch.
Civil asset forfeiture? All cops are on board with that because it supports the department. Too many horror stories.
Cops protect the beast (system). Period. It is their job.
Yeah I find it funny they talk about chain of custody. Chain of custody was broken when the subpoena wasn’t complied with. That should have led to an immediate warrant and police showing up to seize assets and evidence.
Policy enforcers (Police) work for the corporation and will only act to defend them and their interests. The Police will NEVER act in the defense of the people or their rights unless it suits the corporation.
The Sheriffs on the other hand have a Constitutional duty and should have done exactly what you say and arrested anyone who tried to stop them. Deputized as many patriots as it takes to see the job done.
I know a lot of police officers, dozens of deputies, too, and can say, without question or hesitation, 90% of police officers are just like us.
They want the people to own firearms, to call bullshit when they see it, and stand for their rights.
Some are very self centered and have some kind of self importance they take out on the people, fuck them.
The overwhelming majority I deal with (dozens of departments, and agencies) have never once asked or required me to wear a mask on their property or in the building, most didn't wear masks themselves. Most are just like us, with our own bullshit and complexities, and THEY know it, and treat us as such. I've been shocked throughout the whole pandemic how hard the vibe was that they knew it was bullshit - but had to take precautions for PR reasons - and openly talk about it. With each other and us, as outsiders, I'm not a cop, and they're open with me. They don't know me or have a reason to trust me, other than business, yet they do.
TLDR; most cops, deputies, officers etc. Are genuinely good people who want us live as our rights were laid out in writing, some suck, but the majority don't.
I understand your point of view but I have been a live for a long time and have lived in all parts of this country except the mid-west. I have seen and dealt with cops from coast to coast, north and south.
I appreciate that the cops you know are cool. Your 90% figure is bullshit frankly. When cops look at regular people they are suspicious. They are constantly looking for some violation or rule breakage to some degree. They see themselves as powerful over the people and they abuse it. Don't get me started on the SFPD narcotics unit. Fuckers used to bring dope home to give to their friends AFTER tearing some family apart. Kids toys handed out to friends. They didn't like me much when I asked "what happened to the kid that used to own that toy?"
I know there are cool cops. I have known a couple over the years. 90% are good? No freakin way. 40% tops and even that is a stretch.
Civil asset forfeiture? All cops are on board with that because it supports the department. Too many horror stories.
Cops protect the beast (system). Period. It is their job.
As shitty as it feels now, you're right.
My perspective has been surprisingly positive. I hadn't really thought about much larger cities, where that very much so is the case.
I apologize.
The biggest city in my state is smaller than most states 2nd or 3rd largest cities.