40 Pope Francis on climate change: read the comments posted 4 years ago by Ppface 4 years ago by Ppface +40 / -0 https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1366859554466758660?s=20 Look at those comments. People are waking up. 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I found this reply tweet, very creative:
Those comments are brutal. I'm so proud of all the sheeple waking up?. Proves the DS.has lost control of the narrative. Narrative shift will be incoming, or ff. Stay alert anons.
He's full of shit anyway. God said no more floods. And He never lies.
The Pope is dead along with his Cardinals. Wanna bet?
I want them all in Gitmo with the Muzzies
Damn. 100% negative..
Is this devil going to read the Bible one day or is he just counting on his followers being Biblically illiterate?
Good one