Bannon is going all out for Israel love right now. Jews the most persecuted race ever. Shock horror "Jews have been accused of having white privilege" says one guest! (Some say critical race theory frequently deployed by Jews!?) This is a bit tone deaf frankly - People require explanation of the WHY. What happened? It's no good pretending there are no bad people out there who are (claiming to be?) Jews and that Jews have never done anything wrong. This is just far too simplistic. If we want Jews to be treated with the same respect as everyone deserves then it must be time to recognise and discuss how the situation has arisen. Or shall we just pretend that Anti-semitism is just a delusion based on nothing? where is the bad information? what are the lies that have led to this? Surely you can only combat it as an unfair slander on a whole body of people if you recognise at the very least that there are bad people pretending to be Jews? Personally I would like to know what the true situation is because he is right there is a lot of anti-semitism out there - but why? Irrational hate is not a good enough explanation. Explain it.
Does anyone see the point I am making? or am I an anti-semite? I never understood this. Is the problem the religion/ethnicity muddle you get into with the word Jew? To me, as a Christian, if someone was committing moral crimes and claiming to be a Christian, I would say they are not Christian. Fake Christians. But if there are Europeans committing crime, I can accept they are criminal Europeans. Is it as simple as that? People mistake what criminal ethnic Jews do as a religious code? So explain that... I don't think the issue gets the airing it needs, but I don't see much candid explaining of it. It can seem like there are bad Jews who DO follow the traditional religious code - and I think this might lead to the confusion. Surely the best thing to do to end anti-semitism is to denounce and reject criminal Jews from the faith of Judaism. Expulsion from Jewry-the-religion in the same way that criminals are not permitted to legitimately claim to be following Christ until they repent, I am not hearing that in these discussions. It is all confusing and must be very distressing to have people point at criminals and label it your religion in operation, if your religion does not allow for that behavior. What is the truth of the matter?
What I think is so odd is why the Jews decided to turn on white western nations and side with China. Yes, China has more people and that means more dollar signs, but like, it’s fucking China guys. Do you really think you are going to blend in with the Chinese? The whole thing about being Jewish is you get to present as white when it’s helpful to be white and then present as Jewish when it’s helpful to be Jewish. That made white people an amazing cultural and societal shield for Jews. And they just turned on us and went with the Chinese instead. Don’t they realize none of that Jewish humor works on the Chinese? The Chinese do not think neurotic whining is funny like the whites do. Seinfeld, Ross on Friends, Woody Allen, Seth Rogen - none of this works on the Chinese. And then how ridiculous is it going to look in these Asian countries when every media company and bank is owned by a Jewish person? In white countries people don’t notice, but in China? It’s going to be so obvious.
It’s all so strange. Jewish People could have easily kept on ruling the world and nobody would have noticed but instead they went full tranny kids and white genocide on the goyim, then fled to China. It’s such a dumb move. Why didn’t they just keep the goyim brainwashed and asleep? If there are any Jewish People willing to reveal this I am genuinely curious. Are you just done with the white goy? Are you making a bigger move? Do you have some plan to backstab the Chinese here? But surely you must know the Chinese will backstab you, right? Is it that both of you think you will get the jump on the other?
I also think it could be child trafficking related. Apparently the corrupt Talmudists in Israel are behind a lot of this. If the CCP told them they would look the other way on child trafficking, I could see the Talmudists abandoning America and the West for the CCP because child trafficking is their number one issue.