I pray that the false flag when it happens is not nuclear.
I think they have been building up to that for a long time. Some of the Uranium ONE sale was skimmed off to a location in the middle east. They want a reason to invade Iran and we would have already invaded them if not for trump.
Honestly, there shouldn't be any dams anywhere period. Humans are so fucking destructive, simply not giving a shit about the planet. Dams hold and divert water so people can build cities in areas that should be under water.
Here in FL people have invaded the swamps for decades which takes away natural habitat for things like gators, etc. In places like Miami, it's not uncommon to see a gator in a shopping center, in someone's pool, even in someone's house.
People have invaded and taken away land from animals and then sometimes these animals end up in areas with humans. If one of these animals kills a human, the animal will be killed but in reality the human was invading the animal's territory.
People are so arrogant to believe we are superior to animals but all life deserves a fair shot at living.
If the dam in China breaks enough and kills people, sad to say but that's on them 100% for building a dam and changing the landscape of the planet to suit their wants and desires. There's plenty of land on this planet for people to live without having to fuck up parts of the planet.
Even if the military is with Q and the plan is going perfectly, even if all that happens and we get results we want, it doesn't change other important things. Humans are too damn arrogant and greedy and think they can do anything to this planet and the wildlife that lives on this planet just so they can have a new city or a fancy house in a desired location.
We shouldn’t have AC either! Embrace the heat. If it’s so hot why do you live there? Maybe humans weren’t meant to live there. Get rid of gutters! The land is supposed to flood and kill native people and animals
I pray that the false flag when it happens is not nuclear.
I think they have been building up to that for a long time. Some of the Uranium ONE sale was skimmed off to a location in the middle east. They want a reason to invade Iran and we would have already invaded them if not for trump.
I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.
The Three Gorges Dam may collapse, killing millions...
Killing millions of Mainland Chinese CCP shills. What is the problem with that?
I'd fucking celebrate it!
Honestly, there shouldn't be any dams anywhere period. Humans are so fucking destructive, simply not giving a shit about the planet. Dams hold and divert water so people can build cities in areas that should be under water.
Here in FL people have invaded the swamps for decades which takes away natural habitat for things like gators, etc. In places like Miami, it's not uncommon to see a gator in a shopping center, in someone's pool, even in someone's house.
People have invaded and taken away land from animals and then sometimes these animals end up in areas with humans. If one of these animals kills a human, the animal will be killed but in reality the human was invading the animal's territory.
People are so arrogant to believe we are superior to animals but all life deserves a fair shot at living.
If the dam in China breaks enough and kills people, sad to say but that's on them 100% for building a dam and changing the landscape of the planet to suit their wants and desires. There's plenty of land on this planet for people to live without having to fuck up parts of the planet.
Even if the military is with Q and the plan is going perfectly, even if all that happens and we get results we want, it doesn't change other important things. Humans are too damn arrogant and greedy and think they can do anything to this planet and the wildlife that lives on this planet just so they can have a new city or a fancy house in a desired location.
We shouldn’t have AC either! Embrace the heat. If it’s so hot why do you live there? Maybe humans weren’t meant to live there. Get rid of gutters! The land is supposed to flood and kill native people and animals
If the dam breaks its because someone broke it and that is terrorism.
The nuke sniffer helicopters have seen some heavy action recently.
How long have you been following their patterns?
Maybe since october, have you noticed something unusual?
Sampson Option
Theres another point. Could be used to set off a dirty bomb, or just create some headlines.
Wtf is supposed to happen tmrw?
The false flag better not be nuclear.
We are supposed to be protected.
Thats a good point. Q did say that we'd be safe and not to worry.