Why would you title this post the way you did? This 'study' is saying the opposite...that covid caused an increase in traditional, conservative social norms.
Actually, I can see that. All these liberated women wanting someone stronger to make them feel safe. All these liberated men reacting to someone making them feel more manly. All because of fear.
What I find to be ironic is that this says 'Previous research has found that disgust sensitivity and fear of contamination are both linked to social conservativism', when it's the progressives who are screaming "EWWW, DON'T BREATH ON ME, DONT TOUCH ME, DONT STAND NEAR ME, WEAR YOUR MASK, STAY AT HOME...."
You're right, I realized after I posted it I should have used the word "coincides with" instead of "caused by", but when I went to edit the title, I found I couldn't.
Two more articles you can click on from the linked page:
"Psychological entitlement linked to defiance of COVID-19 rules via perceptions of unfairness, study finds"
"People who believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories tend to struggle with scientific reasoning, study finds"
One of the true measures of great satire is shit so outrageous but that has the fine line of believability if you stretch reality just a wee bit..
Like when people say that english speakers spread the china virus more than any other speaker of languages. Cause gotta get all that hatred in for western kind, even in the middle of a 'pandemic'. Because why else, 'science' naturally!! That commie hate preaching never rests.
Why would you title this post the way you did? This 'study' is saying the opposite...that covid caused an increase in traditional, conservative social norms.
Actually, I can see that. All these liberated women wanting someone stronger to make them feel safe. All these liberated men reacting to someone making them feel more manly. All because of fear.
What I find to be ironic is that this says 'Previous research has found that disgust sensitivity and fear of contamination are both linked to social conservativism', when it's the progressives who are screaming "EWWW, DON'T BREATH ON ME, DONT TOUCH ME, DONT STAND NEAR ME, WEAR YOUR MASK, STAY AT HOME...."
Seems it may have backfired on them.
You're right, I realized after I posted it I should have used the word "coincides with" instead of "caused by", but when I went to edit the title, I found I couldn't.
i dont think the (((author))) can even put a decent thought together. the whole article is garbage.
"... said study author Daniel L. Rosenfeld, a PhD student at UCLA."
I'd rather read Dr. Seuss books. There is more logic and truth in them than in a thousand studies done at UCLA.
No they really are dangerously insane.
Two more articles you can click on from the linked page: "Psychological entitlement linked to defiance of COVID-19 rules via perceptions of unfairness, study finds" "People who believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories tend to struggle with scientific reasoning, study finds"
psychology is a farce anyway. over 60% of their studies are not replicable.
One of the true measures of great satire is shit so outrageous but that has the fine line of believability if you stretch reality just a wee bit..
Like when people say that english speakers spread the china virus more than any other speaker of languages. Cause gotta get all that hatred in for western kind, even in the middle of a 'pandemic'. Because why else, 'science' naturally!! That commie hate preaching never rests.
On the same whacked out site.....People who believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories tend to struggle with scientific reasoning, study finds
This is so stupid. How can you be proud to put your name on such garbage. Useless information.