"Anyone even remotely gang related sees through fake news and government very quickly."
Then why do the gangs do the Cabal's dirty work? If you think MS-13 and the Cartels are the only goeups here in the States that are working for [them], then you're deluded.
The gangs not only traffick the kids, adults, drugs, weapons, etc. They also help to keep the People on [their] plantation thru fear of repriasals. It's one reason why the minorities keep voting for their oppressors.
I'm telling you based on what I've read on forums and backchannels for the street gangs. Forums that track acivity and movements.
The gangs for sure traffick people, namely prostitutes and drug mules. Lots of them can't stand the pedo garbage. Pedos have been brutally killed by gang related people in and out of prison.
Never said they're good people, they're not, but if CW2 or SHTF don't be surprised a good chunk of them side with us. Their enterprise is based on capitalism. They want weapons, cars, houses, jewelry, drugs, etc. The left isn't going to give them that without raping them in the end.
"Anyone even remotely gang related sees through fake news and government very quickly."
Then why do the gangs do the Cabal's dirty work? If you think MS-13 and the Cartels are the only goeups here in the States that are working for [them], then you're deluded.
The gangs not only traffick the kids, adults, drugs, weapons, etc. They also help to keep the People on [their] plantation thru fear of repriasals. It's one reason why the minorities keep voting for their oppressors.
I'm telling you based on what I've read on forums and backchannels for the street gangs. Forums that track acivity and movements.
The gangs for sure traffick people, namely prostitutes and drug mules. Lots of them can't stand the pedo garbage. Pedos have been brutally killed by gang related people in and out of prison.
Never said they're good people, they're not, but if CW2 or SHTF don't be surprised a good chunk of them side with us. Their enterprise is based on capitalism. They want weapons, cars, houses, jewelry, drugs, etc. The left isn't going to give them that without raping them in the end.
Money, Money, Money, Money