I have tried researching this, have only heard of it recently, and it would be awesome if true!! But, of all the researchers I have listened to, or read about, has never mentioned a very important part...
What happens to the economy if everyone stops working once the Quantum system kicks in?? Don't you think that a large majority of people would opt to retire early, or just quit their shitty jobs, if they didn't have to work anymore??
Thoughts or any info you can share would be appreciated
Thats what i mean...the whole world economy would grind to a halt, right??
ground to a halt already, undeniable.
I think many people would choose to work but not the job they currently have.
The job sector will likely shift dramatically. If the Tesla patents for free energy devices and med beds are released then all jobs related to energy production, storage and distribution would become obsolete and big pharma and the western medical modality (chop it or medicate it) would be abandoned at last.
But with 600+ patents on all kinds of exciting new tech, there will no doubt be whole new job sectors created. Jobs that people would actually enjoy, rather than suffer through just for the paycheck.
Correct. Most would keep busy doing what they love. Or they would be helping people.
The economy when it's all said and done is a construct meant to prop itself up by others hard work.
Honestly pyramid scheme comes to mind