My favorite story was when a warning was put out at one university (UK IIRC), because students were studying the Q "phenomenon" and inadvertently becoming redpilled, which caused them to become depressed because they found out they had spent their entire lives in a deceived mental coma.
So to avoid depression they were warning students to avoid studying Q
Troll level: Expert
2 weeks to flatten the curve!
MSM are the newest datefaggers! LOL
How much redpilling can we have them do for us!?!??!
"Out of Shadows is the documentary that reveals the secret Qanon codes!!!"
My favorite story was when a warning was put out at one university (UK IIRC), because students were studying the Q "phenomenon" and inadvertently becoming redpilled, which caused them to become depressed because they found out they had spent their entire lives in a deceived mental coma.
So to avoid depression they were warning students to avoid studying Q
Rent free! We are living rent free in their little minds!
Perfect time to tweet some vague q-posts, with time deltas on the QClock, and incorrect research.
"QAnon switches date to 20th..."
We didn't do this, they did ... so MSM is now QAnon? Seems like Twitter should deplatform them ....
Hey -- maybe they're finally figuring it out. Their idiotic tag "QAnon" backward is "Non-a-Q."
Exactly, why are they allowed to report on Q or anons?
2 weeks to flatten the democrats
like covid?
sheeet wana see the 1 year anniversy to the "media that cried wolf"
3/5/22: Today marks the 1 year anniversary of "2 weeks to insurrect the government"
. . so stay on at the Trump Hotel, to be sure you don't miss a thing!
( . . . IDIOTS . . . )