This is a very far out there, overreaching, wacko conspiracy theory, I’ll be the first to admit. So I’m in no way suggesting any of this, I’m merely writing down the thoughts that swirled in my head while day-dreaming on my bike ride today….
I’m having a hard time dismissing the Q drop with today’s delta date (BOOM four times) and how it seems related to the four underwater earthquakes off NZ. It could be just coincidence, or the BOOMs could be in reference to something that hasn’t been revealed yet, or the BOOMs could be disinformation, or, of course, just plain wrong. But the fact that the the drop has the EXACT day delta (March 5) is so thought provoking.
Obviously nobody can predict a naturally occurring earthquake, let alone four of them, years in advance, and pinpoint it down to one date (March 5.) But what if they weren’t naturally occurring earthquakes? Could explosives on the sea floor cause this? I truly don’t know; I’m not an expert on the subject by any means. I watched a show once about the massive cables that stretch between continents, laying on the sea floor, that carry fiber optic communication cables, among other things. Is it possible that could be a target? How much explosives went missing from that Marine base in 29 Palms last month? People who researched the Nashville Christmas attack came to the conclusion that it was an underground explosion that targeted the communication cables of that NSA building, so a similar target. Expanding on this craziness, could there be other targets on the sea floor that we don’t know about? Is it even remotely possible for a country (China, Iran, etc.) to have an underwater bunker facility, hidden in the depths from prying eyes of spy satellites? Does that technology even exist?
Great thread, trying to keep up w earthquake news. Had a small one where I’m at today which is very rare.
You want Q proofs?
Never forget Q took out NK nuclear base by earthQuaking a mountain ontop of itself, and the scientists beneath!