Think about it. People have lived their entire lives not knowing any better. Countless innocent lives given and sold out by globalists for control and power. And I don’t even wanna talk about the children
Maybe I haven't been keeping a very close eye on George News, but to what degree does the consensus here on GAW say about that venue? I know lots of folks think it's a back channel for DJT to comm with us, but can we be sure of that? How does George News fit into the overall reality of the Q movement? Any help here will be appreciated.
Hopeium, unless just for the memes, is for the weak. That's okay, we all have moments of weakness. Acknowledge it, own up to it, improve, and MAKE DANK MEMES SOLDIER!
Think about it. People have lived their entire lives not knowing any better. Countless innocent lives given and sold out by globalists for control and power. And I don’t even wanna talk about the children
Maybe I haven't been keeping a very close eye on George News, but to what degree does the consensus here on GAW say about that venue? I know lots of folks think it's a back channel for DJT to comm with us, but can we be sure of that? How does George News fit into the overall reality of the Q movement? Any help here will be appreciated.
Good info right there.... THANKS!!
Hope and faith are virtues for a reason. Be patient folks, this movie has a great ending.
If you lose hope, if you give up the fight, they win. We just have to stay strong and help one another through this!
Doomers BTFO. I have more faith then ever.
LOGICAL and STRATEGIC thinking folks!
Thanks George! I’m keeping the faith! ?
I subscribe to this but eventually we'll have to stop worshipping George news.
Questions not questions
Hopeium, unless just for the memes, is for the weak. That's okay, we all have moments of weakness. Acknowledge it, own up to it, improve, and MAKE DANK MEMES SOLDIER!
Thank you, we all need a reminder now and then.
Writing style reminds me on Lin Wood.
Sticky this!! What a great message! WE ALL NEED TO READ THIS DAILY. ????????
someone beat me to it and their post got stickied :)
I am ready for those best days to start