Cocaine Mitch is thinking about stepping down?
Comments (18)
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"vote" (laughs in Dominion)
I don't see age as much of a problem. I do see "career politician" as a huge problem. That ought not be, most of these people have never had a real job.
This is why we need upper age limits. 65 is a good cut off age for holding office.
One word: Dominion. These people are not elected and re-elected. They are jimmied into place time and time again. So, it's not stupid voters, except in the sense that they are not paying attention when people have spoken up and admitted the elections are fixed. So, let's really fix them, once and for all!!
This was the biggest shock to me. Maybe, just maybe, not everybody is as ignorant as we think.
His wife did break the rules, but they decided not to prosecute her, so who knows.....
Don't give him the opportunity to step down. Throw the fucker down first- face first.
He may be an idiot but he's no dummy -- he can a least read the writing on the wall. It says:
There should be term limits on all positions in government. Career politicians shouldn’t be a thing.
Trying to head for the hills before shit gets too close to him
I won’t be happy till that swamp turtle returns all the taxpayers money he stole via sweets deals to his China shipping company. Mitch that jackass, I want him and his commie wife tried for treason.