My interpretation of Western history.
Cabal History Theory
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Edited from my reply here, where the OP was subsequently deleted. Thanks u/Mark4-39 for sharing. Thanks for the romp of mostly interesting points.
Promising start! I like to winnow out truth from mixtures. Truths are not batted away by comparing them to lies. Just the reverse!
"El" is not name but title, common to all proto-Semitic languages. Yahweh's oral tradition long predated Enki or else we wouldn't know about the flood at all.
"God" is also title. We and he know who the real Creator is whatever we call him. Words do not have the magick of referring to things we do not intend by them.
You're starting to blur whether you mean the people (kings) or the spirits (idols). One is history, one is spiritual warfare, they often overlap, but let's keep them straight.
I'm not gonna argue much geography or chronology, but the order and collation are starting to go off kilter here. Hyksos in Babylon before they were kicked out of Egypt? I don't think so. Of course Hebrews preceded Abram, but their prehistory doesn't sound like this to me.
Wouldn't this be nicer with facts and references to the "original story"? I'm writing a Bible study on c/Christianity that will show why the account we have can be trusted, but good archaeologists more typically run with what they have proven, not disproven.
"Mount Sinai in Arabia", says Paul. No comment on female polarities.
You won't get it back to the people by mixing it with error.
Lay out both combatants' statements side by side and decide who is more trustworthy.
When I look at archaeology I see evidence going the other way round. Both are theories and we must choose preponderance rightly.
Yahweh is more alien to us than any alien. All spiritual forces are strangers. To call them "space aliens" to catch up to our alleged technology does not disguise their nature as created sentient beings. Don't run with the wrong ones!
Ezra was centuries after Solomon, and that's based on archaeology. Don't JEDP me without good data.
Pharisees were no Baalists; they called on a thousand demons in the Talmud but had strict rules against calling them baalim. Oh you mention this:
Funny how after rejecting so much oral tradition you now put the Talmud squarely in BC when it was basically all still oral only (Mishnah). We could use more admission of oral tradition, not only when it suits your point.
Your crux of course. Matt. 27:43 (hostile witnesses): "He said, 'I am the Son of God.'" Muslims believe he was crucified but not killed. Some Jews believe he was hanged. Point was, he came back.
And where did their spirits learn it from? Older "seed of woman" mythoi?
Who's "Ceasar"? By this logic, Christ Jesus = Chairman Jao.
Where'd the cannibals get identification from? They do it because identification is real despite the pagan versions of it.
Salsa? I don't have much on Vaticans and Khazars so am not disputing that much.
Bilderberg meeting established 1954. United Kingdom union 1801. Similar to my feel for your other flow.
The appendix is on surer footing. So who created Satan? Worship the Creator as he reveals himself. Your story has so few good guys.
The Fed was the 4th national US bank to do this, not counting the colonial banks. Nothing new under the sun. You relegated Andrew Jackson defeating one of them (and being honored with 20 FRNs) to a footnote.
Don't speak for me fren. I'm sold.
If you're fighting Satan, how can you join his other army? His house is divided and will fall. Get a real Messiah.
I read God and Sex cover to cover, but those porn reels come from pagan Israelites, because the righteous left no artifacts.
Don't blood-libel any people. Use evidence. If you pursue truth, keep doing so.
Bumped into this comment trying to find one of mine.
Nice work! Wish the original post was still here.
Clif High’s “El Worshippers” nonsense, and the people who parrot it, and similar variants, drive me batty.
Lots of sheep nudging necessary for the foreseeable future to keep us all on the right trail….