I like him too, but I think it is painfully obvious by this point that Wood's role in the great-awakening is to adjust the public to the realization that you cannot beat the Cabal from inside its own USCorp court-system.
Right! What happens when all courts are corrupt... even if a court isn't compromised.. the upper appeals court is... all the way to the supreme court. We have a serious problem.
Going by the digital soldiers rubric, you would never expect all members of a squad to have the same skills, experience, physicality, equipment loadouts.Ditto for the wider company and unit. There will be scouts and recon guys, heavy weapons, snipers, demo/explosives people, comms/crypto/hacker types, medics, mechanics who can drive or fly anything with an engine and every other archetype under the sun.
Lin is carrying the fight as he can with his talents, that doesn't mean necessarily that his way is best for others as well, or is the only option available.
Lin Wood bringing the
P.S. I love this guy.
I like him too, but I think it is painfully obvious by this point that Wood's role in the great-awakening is to adjust the public to the realization that you cannot beat the Cabal from inside its own USCorp court-system.
Right! What happens when all courts are corrupt... even if a court isn't compromised.. the upper appeals court is... all the way to the supreme court. We have a serious problem.
He may know that by the time he builds his case the system will be fixed?? His work on this may be a part in condemning these people.
aint no fixing the system
Going by the digital soldiers rubric, you would never expect all members of a squad to have the same skills, experience, physicality, equipment loadouts.Ditto for the wider company and unit. There will be scouts and recon guys, heavy weapons, snipers, demo/explosives people, comms/crypto/hacker types, medics, mechanics who can drive or fly anything with an engine and every other archetype under the sun.
Lin is carrying the fight as he can with his talents, that doesn't mean necessarily that his way is best for others as well, or is the only option available.
unless he makes it to the jury....
Would love to see that evidence he found