This method reminds me of how Sleeping Giants and Media Matters operates with asking if someone else is stealing their copyright under the presumption of guilt, especially when it's broadcasted for others to see, spectate, and speculate.
If it's true that you have George's best interests in mind, then persume innocence and leave them be.
This method reminds me of how Sleeping Giants and Media Matters operates with asking if someone else is stealing their copyright under the presumption of guilt, especially when it's broadcasted for others to see, spectate, and speculate.
If it's true that you have George's best interests in mind, then persume innocence and leave them be.
Thats ridiculous. You are dangerously close to tomshillery.
Trust but Verify. Learn this paradigm. Its what being a responsible anon is about. U trust who u want. Wind up like the lib-zombies.