No, my parents taught me words that are libel are tortious and that if allowed to continue they can destroy your business, destroy your reputation, destroy your life.
They taught me that never ending libel is the work of lying, scheming, whoring devils with nothing but evil on their minds,
which is why it's against the law in nearly every country on the planet.
And why your handlers keep massaging you to accept it.
And they taught me that If I continue to let it go on and on, motherfuckers will wind up being loaded onto cattle cars.
To go to the re-education/extermination camps.
Yours taught you, that infantile errata. Which is how your entire generation got cucked and thrown out of organization after organization GLOBALLY,
till you're now in here telling us that "being libeled and maligned is the good part of freedom."
I diddnt say we should welcome it. I diddnt say we shouldnt fight back or prove them wrong. All i said was thats part of free speech and you shouldnt get so worked up over it. When we get called nazis it redpills moderates and normies in our circles because they know we arent what theyre saying we are. You want to censor people for calling us names? Thats not the right path to go down.
Yes, that's precisely what you said, stop trying to morph your way out of it.
I told you again that libel isn't free speech and that you're a shallow, ridiculous cuck for believing they're the same thing, and that's how it's gonna remain until all libel laws are revoked.
My argument carries, by virtue of the fact libel's illegal in every civilized country on earth.
You're just flailing for something to provide you traction to support your ludicrous assertions we're supposed to simply accept it.
Last word's yours I'm bored watching you try to claw your way out of this.
Lmfao youre a good troll. Youre mad at them for calling us deplorable, ect, calling it libel, then start insulting me in the same way! Youre a hypocrite if anything. I think youre using libel laws a bit too generally. You gonna sue the next person who calls you a nazi?
No, my parents taught me words that are libel are tortious and that if allowed to continue they can destroy your business, destroy your reputation, destroy your life.
They taught me that never ending libel is the work of lying, scheming, whoring devils with nothing but evil on their minds,
which is why it's against the law in nearly every country on the planet.
And why your handlers keep massaging you to accept it.
And they taught me that If I continue to let it go on and on, motherfuckers will wind up being loaded onto cattle cars.
To go to the re-education/extermination camps.
Yours taught you, that infantile errata. Which is how your entire generation got cucked and thrown out of organization after organization GLOBALLY,
till you're now in here telling us that "being libeled and maligned is the good part of freedom."
And that we should welcome it.
I diddnt say we should welcome it. I diddnt say we shouldnt fight back or prove them wrong. All i said was thats part of free speech and you shouldnt get so worked up over it. When we get called nazis it redpills moderates and normies in our circles because they know we arent what theyre saying we are. You want to censor people for calling us names? Thats not the right path to go down.
Yes, that's precisely what you said, stop trying to morph your way out of it.
I told you again that libel isn't free speech and that you're a shallow, ridiculous cuck for believing they're the same thing, and that's how it's gonna remain until all libel laws are revoked.
My argument carries, by virtue of the fact libel's illegal in every civilized country on earth.
You're just flailing for something to provide you traction to support your ludicrous assertions we're supposed to simply accept it.
Last word's yours I'm bored watching you try to claw your way out of this.
Lmfao youre a good troll. Youre mad at them for calling us deplorable, ect, calling it libel, then start insulting me in the same way! Youre a hypocrite if anything. I think youre using libel laws a bit too generally. You gonna sue the next person who calls you a nazi?