my opinion is once the new ag try to get rid of Durham is when things will pick up. Answer this question if you were in a battle with your enemy would you let him take some ground knowing it would destroy them for good. They will never have power again after this. Not another 4-year election.
If I had it all I would use it and stop making the people of this nation suffer unnecessarily. I wouldn’t wait for the AG of an administration that does not want the illegalities exposed to shut down or “approve” what I have.
Nobody has to approve anything! Durham is a special counsel and trump declassed everything so he didn't have to ask for permission.If it was easy and trump just won, We wouldn't have seen the swamp as we do now and we wouldn't have wanted to change everything. When it's all said and done you will understand why it had to be this way Q told us from the start how it was going to go down. What's happening right now is not for us. This is for the people still sleeping so when things go down there isn't a civil war because they know if they come after our side we ain't going to have any mercy. Look how Trump worked with the feds to bring organized crime down in AC. They picked trump for a reason he knows how to bring down a crime syndicate. Trump has kept every promise you think he isn't going to make sure his greatest promise isnt going to be kept?
my opinion is once the new ag try to get rid of Durham is when things will pick up. Answer this question if you were in a battle with your enemy would you let him take some ground knowing it would destroy them for good. They will never have power again after this. Not another 4-year election.
If I had it all I would use it and stop making the people of this nation suffer unnecessarily. I wouldn’t wait for the AG of an administration that does not want the illegalities exposed to shut down or “approve” what I have.
You forget that 40% of the nation feels this suffering is for the greatest good.
Until that number goes down to 20% nothing will come out
Nobody has to approve anything! Durham is a special counsel and trump declassed everything so he didn't have to ask for permission.If it was easy and trump just won, We wouldn't have seen the swamp as we do now and we wouldn't have wanted to change everything. When it's all said and done you will understand why it had to be this way Q told us from the start how it was going to go down. What's happening right now is not for us. This is for the people still sleeping so when things go down there isn't a civil war because they know if they come after our side we ain't going to have any mercy. Look how Trump worked with the feds to bring organized crime down in AC. They picked trump for a reason he knows how to bring down a crime syndicate. Trump has kept every promise you think he isn't going to make sure his greatest promise isnt going to be kept?
There will never be an honest election until the treachery fraud is acknowledged by all politicians, and the guilty punished.