South Park creators Matt and Trey (M&T) have been using the same philosophy since they started SP over 20 years ago. They offend EVERYONE; they were the only show brave enough to depict Muhammad, they made episodes on the Catholic church years before it went mainstream, and they've never been soft on celebrities/politicians.
Anyone who says making light of Q/Adrenochrome is diluting the seriousness of the issue clearly doesn't understand human conditioning (or history) at all. Humor and satire has been one of the greatest ways to spread truths without authoritative repercussion since medieval kings had jesters. It doesnt dilute the issue. Think of the golden age of comedy with the likes of George Carlin.
Personally I dont see M&T as that involved with the horrors of Hollywood; they dont go to the parties, they take the piss at the award ceremonies, and when the Church of Scientology spent huge amounts of money on PIs to try and disgrace them for all their ridicule of the church, absolutely NOTHING was found.
Even IF you ignore the previous 3 points it's like none of you have heard of the Streisand effect. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Personally I think it was pretty genius - they bypassed the vetoes of CC and Networks by ridiculing it, but in the future when everything comes to light people will remember this, and it might give some individuals the ability to cope with such horrific news.
I know plenty of people that are so emotionally/mentally stunted that they have to use humor as a defense mechanism to comprehend without losing their sanity. I've been guilty of this in the past. Sometimes you have to laugh because it's either that or break.
While I do not disagree with your general sentiment, it is important to realize that using comedy has also been a primary means of casting ridicule on those looking to investigate the illuminati. Go to 14:00 in this video to see what I mean.
True, but a great quote is:
Personally I heard jokes about the illuminati long before anything else, but it still made me better aware of who they were as a general concept when conspiracies were coming to light.
I mean, I still laugh when I hear the term "illuminati". It's a stupid name that probably was designed to not be taken seriously. Instead of putting weird names to it, people need to just call things what they are.
The "international cabal" (self professed in that one article) somewhat works, but is still a little weird sounding. Same with the "Deep State". By using a fabricated vocabulary for a very real thing, we're losing the opportunity to make things click for people.
If every person that went around calling it "the cabal" or "the deep state" or "the illuminati" started calling it "the establishment", "the globalists", "communists", "the elites", "oligarchs", or even "corrupt assholes", suddenly the [slower] people would start piecing it together - "hey, the establishment really IS doing these evil things". It makes it a lot more real for people than some fantastical sounding name for an entity that is not exactly hidden.
The trouble is "the establishment" includes the white hats as well. This is why cabal is the perfect term to my view.
The cabal subverts institutions that either are or have become the establishment and perverts their purpose over decades. That is their ploy. Infiltration and destruction is their watchwords.
We arent fighting all elements of the establishment, just the subverted ones. And some of the establishment (like treyband matt) seem to be onside.
remember when they madde jokes about the catholic church and it was ridiculed? Now it's widely accepted. Good point!