2820928 please stfu and stop causing division on this board. If you want to pray, pray. But continiing to spam the same shit will get you banned for duplicate posts, not for mentioning christ.
I dont visit this site as often as I once did, but the last two times you and your name keeps coming up, and its never over anything good its drama boyh times.
Please, just go find another site. I heard 8 kun is a good place for folks like you lol
And the closed-minded, judgmental tripe taking His name upon themselves are nowhere near Jesus. Jesus isn't the problem at all but His supposed "followers" are.
2820928 please stfu and stop causing division on this board. If you want to pray, pray. But continiing to spam the same shit will get you banned for duplicate posts, not for mentioning christ.
I dont visit this site as often as I once did, but the last two times you and your name keeps coming up, and its never over anything good its drama boyh times.
Please, just go find another site. I heard 8 kun is a good place for folks like you lol
This dude is up to no good. he rubs me the wrong way
"Most Christians are good people."
No, they aren't. Jesus said:
"Why do you call me good? Only God is Good."
And the closed-minded, judgmental tripe taking His name upon themselves are nowhere near Jesus. Jesus isn't the problem at all but His supposed "followers" are.