Dan Scavino post, up for just a little bit, reminds us to enjoy the movie https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkmXQHiA/better-than-hopiumscavino-co/c/ see Q post 1929 for entire plot https://qposts.online/?q=1929&s=postnum
Oklahoma lifts mask mandate and covid restrictions https://www.newswars.com/oklahoma-lifts-mask-and-lockdown-restrictions/
Lin Wood was called to see Trump in the Oval Office one year ago, the day the pandemic was announced … i.e., Trump had a litigation strategy six months before the stolen election, which in turn tells us he knew exactly what was coming … no surprises, trust the plan https://media.greatawakening.win/post/4TMiQMj0.png
China stocks are getting trounced https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-1-trillion-stock-rout-102816890.html
Fauci cannot articulate a coherent response when asked why vaccinated people still can’t travel freely https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2021/03/10/fauci-couldnt-explain-the-science-in-mum-vaccinated-americans-to-travel-freely-n2586026
Posobiec says several sources tell him Kamala is getting the full presidential daily briefing, something prior VPs never got … Biden replacement very early in his presidency will red pill lots of moderate Dem voters https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1370224443377737729
Even MSM acknowledges what Biden cannot admit, that Trump’s covid program is working https://twitter.com/kayleighmcenany/status/1370181785234079746
See you tomorrow.
Q Team. Will be a household name soon. (Q time. 2 weeks - 4 years)
4 years????
Sooner I hope. Just hedging my bets!