CDC is a private non-profit organization, NOT a Federal agency. They have as much power to tell you to do something as Corky the Clown. They've cultivated the ILLUSION of having more power because people are too stupid to find out.
Federal agencies do not make law. Federal agencies do not rule over the people. When people finally GET that, this shite will stop. Three branches of government: legislative, judicial, executive. Only one makes law and those laws MUST be constitutional. Long past time to demand these things.
CDC is a private non-profit organization, NOT a Federal agency. They have as much power to tell you to do something as Corky the Clown. They've cultivated the ILLUSION of having more power because people are too stupid to find out.
TL;DR--Tell'em to fuck right off.
Federal agencies do not make law. Federal agencies do not rule over the people. When people finally GET that, this shite will stop. Three branches of government: legislative, judicial, executive. Only one makes law and those laws MUST be constitutional. Long past time to demand these things.
No problem..... :-)
Ya hear government agents getting royalties for their poisions ever day. Juat as friendly as our wonderful FBI /s
March 4 2021: Deaths, miscarriages etc, “Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections – “Vaccine Leaving a Trail of Devastated Mothers” Cdc gets Royalties?
Super trustworthy bunch /s
Feb 26 2021 "CDC caught shaving DEATH's from VAERS System!"
July 7 2020: “CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry”
Feb 5, 2010: “Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic”
“WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.” July 9 2007: “Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher”
That Vaers analysis guy Office’s pretty well.
And your username ?
looks up from zoom kek
Not the point I was making but yes
Ah you were doing sarcasm, weren't you? Dammit, too early in the morning and still on my first cup of coffee. Sorry about that...
I almost fell out of my chair! LOL