Most people, especially the media, mispronounce it (and obviously misspell it) all. the. time.
It's like they never even bothered to read the media guide that QANON International put out, like last August or something, during our first big media push. (I believe QI spent $500k on that, which might not seem like a lot for a national advertising and PR campaign, but I think it was ultimately really effective.)
Who are Q-Anon people?
came here to ask the same Q
Excuse me, but they're call "QANONS" [pronounced like "cannon" but with a "kw" sound].
I'm a certified, dues-paying QANON, so you can trust me on this.
haha, kwannon. I love it!
Most people, especially the media, mispronounce it (and obviously misspell it) all. the. time.
It's like they never even bothered to read the media guide that QANON International put out, like last August or something, during our first big media push. (I believe QI spent $500k on that, which might not seem like a lot for a national advertising and PR campaign, but I think it was ultimately really effective.)