Every day, we're getting fed spoonfuls of hopium with stuff like "The best is yet to come".
We're five months after the election. I'm losing friends, family and money. His followers are losing hope and faith while leftists ride all over us.
When will this ride be over? I'm watching the Chinese people in my city deriding white people like slaves and gloating over their victory.
Why are the only people paying attrition in this war the good people and the conservatives?
I felt that way until I started praying again because of all of this. After a couple weeks I just felt much more at ease. I even quit a couple bad habits I had, admittedly they were minor in the grand scheme of things, but one day I realized I hadn’t done either for over a week. I also stopped my one big red pill for everyone approach. Now I focus on listening to the other person to understand where they will be receptive to the truth. Then give it in little doses.