It is a pdf of vaccine deaths in picture form (twitter and other media screenshots e.g.). It seems fine.
Your anti-virus may be having a problem because it, itself is compromised. I am not saying that is the case, I don't know what you are using, but I have seen that happen before on websites or other information that go against "the narrative".
My anti-virus says that's a trojan, malware.
If it's text would you post it plz?
It is a pdf of vaccine deaths in picture form (twitter and other media screenshots e.g.). It seems fine.
Your anti-virus may be having a problem because it, itself is compromised. I am not saying that is the case, I don't know what you are using, but I have seen that happen before on websites or other information that go against "the narrative".
My AVG and Malwares both tagged it, maybe I'll try it again with my VPN turned off.
Although this Brave browser sometimes does goofy shiite, maybe I'll try another.
How come some of the videos are not linked? And then there is some where they are?