thanks for the drops, and I personally think Q is dancing around the subject on this one...
especially when Q says it's Biblical, and the Bible talks about the firmament, and waters above, etc. I think the aliens people are seeing, are actually demons...
Also, consider the 'vastness' of space, could just mean THINK about the size of space...does it go on forever? or is it limited?
Reptiliandude claims that aliens travel through a kind of stellar cannon. “[They] travel through the mouths of stars.” I’m guessing it’s something like a wormhole generated by sunspots.
Q drop # 376
Anon asks "Are UFOs a distraction?"
Q replies "How far away is the closest star, what do you think?"
Q drop #2222
Anon asks "Are we alone? Roswell?"
Q replies "No. Highest Classification. Consider the vastness of space"
Q seems to give conflicting information on extraterrestrials yet I see mentions of them in lots of Q videos and on the popular Q map.
Any info on where the extraterrestrials section of the Q-Map comes from would be appreciated!
thanks for the drops, and I personally think Q is dancing around the subject on this one...
especially when Q says it's Biblical, and the Bible talks about the firmament, and waters above, etc. I think the aliens people are seeing, are actually demons...
Also, consider the 'vastness' of space, could just mean THINK about the size of space...does it go on forever? or is it limited?
just doing that is considering the 'vastness'....
Proxima Centauri appears to have a planet in its habitable zone, 4.2 lightyears away.
Even with known current technology it is conceivable we could get there in a generation (if we poured enough resources into it).
Warp Drive is also not ruled out by our current physical models, in fact it may very well be possible.
I think Q is suggesting that both Aliens are real, and they aren't very far away.
I could very well be wrong, but that is how I interpret it. Perhaps that is wishful thinking.
Reptiliandude claims that aliens travel through a kind of stellar cannon. “[They] travel through the mouths of stars.” I’m guessing it’s something like a wormhole generated by sunspots.