posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +176 / -2

Here is the Scotty film that has a clue to a recent Dan Scavino post with the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt 71. You will see it at the very end.


The Dan Scavino post of the Theodore Roosevelt 71, was on March 13th 2021 at 11:49pm .


Here is a video called Military Motivation - "The End Is Near" (2020) We see similar video of the Theodore Roosevelt 71.


If we search the Q board for "The End is Near" we find Q post 3055, it was posted March 14th, it says, "The End is Near". (Sacvino missed the 2 year delta by 11 minute by posting it early) Was this coincidental or intentional? I think it points us toward Q post 11.

https://qanon.pub/#3055 "The End is Near"

If we look at Q post 11 is a reminder to help us maintain our sanity.


Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147175452 ?

Oct 29 2017 22:20:11 (EST)


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?

What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important?

Who surrounds POTUS?

They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Q post 11 tells us everything we need to know. Military Intelligence took over the investigations of 3 letter agencies. I suspect this includes the DOJ. Who is currently conducting a investigation under the DOJ? Durham! Why did we not see any results from prior investigations? That data was held and handed to the military. Why? Who will be conducting the tribunals? The military. What conditions must be present? Total failure of the Justice and Judicial systems to correct the election fraud.

Have you noticed that with the Golden Globe, Emmy and Oscar awards, not one block buster movie or BIG name actor received any nominations? Where are they? What have they been doing? Can we assume Hollywood has already been cleaned up? I think it is a good indication.

I think the crazy stuff we see coming out of the Bidan administration is intentional, part of the movie. It draws a sharp contrast with the policies under the Trump administration. People see the border chaos, rising fuel prices, executive orders, unrest building in the middle east and realize we were better off under President Trump. When the military steps up to the microphone and announces that dementia Joe was not the true winner of the 2020 election, the transition back to the Trump administration will take place with minimal civil unrest. This plays right in to the frequent statement used by Q, "You can not tell them, You must show them". I think there are good things on the horizon, stay patient, do not lose hopium. The best is yet to come.

Stay safe my frens!!!