The only thing that gets me though, is if the patriots are in complete control and Trump is running the country then why is gas skyrocketing? Why is Critical Race Theory being mandated in schools? Why did the 1776 Commission get shut down? Why did everything Trump did become undone? Why are millions being allowed to just pour over the border? Why did 100,000+ people instantly lose their jobs and livelihoods from an EO to shut down the pipelines? Why allow China full access to our power grid? Why is gun confiscation on the verge of being passed? Why steal $1.9 trillion from American citizens? Why is the military pushing social justice and touting trannies and their diversity chief on Twitter?
I just don't get how all of this is happening if Biden and Congress have zero control right now and Trump is President serving his 2nd term.
To wake the normies. But in honesty, right there with you. Adding in this (hoping those in charge get it) - yes it's true some normies are waking. But many, many people (including close family and friends) don't watch the news, are barely on social media, and don't get out much. The word needs to get out to more ppl!!!
To give example of some of the above to be awaken: my parents are "plain jane's". Dad just retired from construction, mom works from home as a nurse reviewer. On Sunday's - Mom goes to church by herself, dad fishes by himself. They do a lot of yard work together. They have a small garden. They cook basically every meal and hardly go out. They are not strapped for cash, not wealthy either, but literally live a SIMPLE life. And they love it. Could they afford more? Heck yes. But they don't care about material things. Which is great. I respect them. BUT - they literally have no care in the world about politics. No idea about what's happening at the border (and even if they were told about it, probably would say "how awful" but move to next conversation) ; they literally go along with whatever the president at the time says. They just watch local news during dinner, and then watch HGTV/FoodNetwork/crime shows at night - so they aren't toooo brainwashed by Cnn, etc. Things happening in the news right now - kids in cages at the border, Cuomo stuff, Newson stuff, Myanmar stuff (which change are about 97% they have no idea about that); etc - i know they have NO CLUE about it and, honestly, probably wouldn't think about it. Not b/c they don't care, but b/c it doesn't affect THEIR EVERYDAY LIFE!!!
SOOO , sorry so long, but point is that something "large enough" needs to start happening to waken people like my parents.
But the people have already been shown the corruption and evil during Obama's reign. That's why Trump won and was elected in the first place. We were in dark times and were entering the light.
And more people were waking up to that light under Trump, considering he won 2020 much bigger than he did in 2016.
But why does it have to be that way? Nearly half the country voted for Trump. We've already experienced darkness with Obama and were entering the light with Trump. And if they wanted to make the arrests, they could offer detailed explanations for them (the long list of crimes that deep state leaders have already committed that they've never been prosecuted for).
Most SJWers and the left are too weak to start a civil war. They talk tough on Twitter, but you really expect them to take up arms? They are terrified of guns. There's only Antifa and BLM which we could have rounded up instantly if they tried to start violence.
Now, Trump and the Patriots
I do believe so.
The Patriots are in complete control
The only thing that gets me though, is if the patriots are in complete control and Trump is running the country then why is gas skyrocketing? Why is Critical Race Theory being mandated in schools? Why did the 1776 Commission get shut down? Why did everything Trump did become undone? Why are millions being allowed to just pour over the border? Why did 100,000+ people instantly lose their jobs and livelihoods from an EO to shut down the pipelines? Why allow China full access to our power grid? Why is gun confiscation on the verge of being passed? Why steal $1.9 trillion from American citizens? Why is the military pushing social justice and touting trannies and their diversity chief on Twitter?
I just don't get how all of this is happening if Biden and Congress have zero control right now and Trump is President serving his 2nd term.
To wake the normies. But in honesty, right there with you. Adding in this (hoping those in charge get it) - yes it's true some normies are waking. But many, many people (including close family and friends) don't watch the news, are barely on social media, and don't get out much. The word needs to get out to more ppl!!!
To give example of some of the above to be awaken: my parents are "plain jane's". Dad just retired from construction, mom works from home as a nurse reviewer. On Sunday's - Mom goes to church by herself, dad fishes by himself. They do a lot of yard work together. They have a small garden. They cook basically every meal and hardly go out. They are not strapped for cash, not wealthy either, but literally live a SIMPLE life. And they love it. Could they afford more? Heck yes. But they don't care about material things. Which is great. I respect them. BUT - they literally have no care in the world about politics. No idea about what's happening at the border (and even if they were told about it, probably would say "how awful" but move to next conversation) ; they literally go along with whatever the president at the time says. They just watch local news during dinner, and then watch HGTV/FoodNetwork/crime shows at night - so they aren't toooo brainwashed by Cnn, etc. Things happening in the news right now - kids in cages at the border, Cuomo stuff, Newson stuff, Myanmar stuff (which change are about 97% they have no idea about that); etc - i know they have NO CLUE about it and, honestly, probably wouldn't think about it. Not b/c they don't care, but b/c it doesn't affect THEIR EVERYDAY LIFE!!!
SOOO , sorry so long, but point is that something "large enough" needs to start happening to waken people like my parents.
"Because you must show the people" (said in Dave's voice)
Let’s talk about health..
But the people have already been shown the corruption and evil during Obama's reign. That's why Trump won and was elected in the first place. We were in dark times and were entering the light.
And more people were waking up to that light under Trump, considering he won 2020 much bigger than he did in 2016.
I’m right there with you.
It had to be this way, darkness first then to the light, in part to prevent a civil war. They’ve gamed it all out.
But why does it have to be that way? Nearly half the country voted for Trump. We've already experienced darkness with Obama and were entering the light with Trump. And if they wanted to make the arrests, they could offer detailed explanations for them (the long list of crimes that deep state leaders have already committed that they've never been prosecuted for).
Most SJWers and the left are too weak to start a civil war. They talk tough on Twitter, but you really expect them to take up arms? They are terrified of guns. There's only Antifa and BLM which we could have rounded up instantly if they tried to start violence.