Grammys set record low ratings! Down 53% (WIN)
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Agreed - I turned off the local news channels sometime in 2016 when I finally had enough of being lied to. Though, we have a local channel (we don't have cable) called "ME" (Memorable Entertainment) which has lots of really old shows like Dragnet, Night Court, etc. which we enjoy. And we have a DVD player which gets a LOT of use!
My brother likes watching those old shows, like Green Acres. We grew up watching reruns of those.
It used to be that the national news that had all the propaganda, but after that even the local news was mostly propaganda. Not to mention that stupid ass mayor of Houston and that dimwit Harris County judge. (I'm in the county, not the city.)
As I like to say, the most accurate thing on TV news is the weather report.
LOL, that's not saying much! I'm in the Greater Cleveland area of Ohio, and honestly our weather people get it wrong all the time. I always joke that I'd love to have a job where I'm constantly wrong and provide inaccurate information but never get fired - that's our weather reporters. One particular weatherman alarmed the whole area during a storm, swearing up and down that a tornado was imminent, told everyone to get in their basements ("this is the real thing, people!!"), only for there to be a quick shower and some wind. Nothing happened. We never watched that channel again.
We get it through a regular antenna on local channels. Are you in the Cleveland, Ohio area?
Every ep. of Lavern and Shirley is free on youtube right now.