If it’s compressed, or has artifacts, it will look pixilated. I work with lots of 4K footage and see this stuff often, especially if I export with a low bit rate. They would look like boxes, “pixelated”. The top of your head doesn’t disappear. Your hands don’t look super imposed over microphones. Green screen is the only way you get these errors.
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To be fair, 50-70% of a Bachelor's Degree is nothing but bullshit indoctrination classes that have nothing to do with that said profession. True knowledge (in my opinion) comes from doing said work in ones free time, researching that profession in ones free time, and actually spending years working in the field of that said profession. But I get what you're saying :) I have a Bachelor's Degree and I absolutely hate the College University education program... it's a complete joke and needs a complete overhaul.
Fair point on unis needing total rebuilding using scientific methodology rather than fee-fee driven postmodernism
Before we make blanket statements like that please tell me how 50-70% of my Chemical Engineering degree was indoctrination when over 70% of it was courses in physical science and lab work?
Because it comes from a institution that constantly indoctrinates our society with their liberal agenda. Just because you didn't follow it doesn't mean the other 95% didn't.