They own the seeds that are GMO, the animals that are GMO, and now humans that are GMO? Since you cannot get a patent for a naturally occurring substance, animal, bacteria, virus... are they trying to LEGALLY own you and your descendants as a patented GMO? Isn't the mRNA shot a gene editor? Are you still going to be considered a sovereign human? Just trying to wrap my head around this insanity.
Don't they arrest farmers who replant Monsanto seeds from previous crops? Yes! They do! Will they decide when you can breed and who with?
I have tried to confirm this from the source. The best I can tell is that its not intended (at least in their papers) as a gene editor, but it does edit your body functions.
To get technical, it enters the cell and dictates the cell to create antibody proteins based on the mRNA pattern they use. So essentially they are changing your body. But from what I have read, it does not change the DNA, at least not directly.
However, my gut tells me that in the best case, they just have no clue how it will affect the DNA in long term. But guess what? It will be very easy to see if it modifies the DNA. The mRNA strand uses an unnatural replacement for the normal molecule Thymine. In the papers they use a symbol that is vaguely reminiscent of a devil. Not sure if this is intentional or not.
But since this is an unnatural molecule, if it does modify the DNA you will start seeing this unnatural molecule in your cells. In fact, for me personally, the fact that they are using unnatural molecules in their mRNA strand with no regards to long term effects is more concerning than the fact that it alters your normal body functions.
If it creates GMO humans, and its not hard to imagine that is their ultimate goal, even if V1 does not achieve it right away, I imagine it would be some crazy devil-like being, living up to the symbol they use.
The mRNA is key in DNA replication.
How could it change one without changing the other?
Not possible.