yes, they could bus them in....Anniston, AL is about 30 -40 miles from the Georgia state line. I'm wondering why the Georgia Nat'l Guard needs to go to AL to train.
The Georgia National Guard would use their own people in a mock exercise. Especially in this national climate, this is either an Antifa or BLM ruse meant to gather people and to do a ruse like the Capitol or our National Guard has lost its mind. I don't believe the latter.
My advice would be to stay away. This is the lifted trap with the carrot inside for the rabbit. We are at war. That is plain to see.
Better than no response at all would be to form a militia to show up and says, "What's happening? Is it on?"
Indeed. Every summer in Michigan units from Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are seen convoying up I-75 to train at Camp Grayling in the Northern Lower Peninsula. There are 100s of miles of unimproved roads all over a dozen or more counties that are not maintained by the county that we have always called 'tank trails'. Because of the geology of the region these trails are deep mostly hard packed sand called Kalkaska sand (this is actually Michigans 'State soil' like you would have a State bird). There are also live fire zones and bomber ranges.
Couple of interesting anecdotes about this area. Growing up my dad owned 3 acres on the Au Sable River outside Grayling. One afternoon we took his Bronco out 4 wheeling on the tank trails when a NG helo landed just in front of us. They told us to leave the area immediately as they would be commencing live fire exercises. The Helo took off but we were stuck in the sand. We frantically undug ourselves. Never heard a shot fired while we were there.
Later in my 20s dad had given me the property and I sold it and used the proceeds to buy 20 acres about 15 miles north near Waters, Michigan. One night while me and my buddies were up there for the trout opener the NG had a training exercise and we could hear the artillery and machine gun fire all night long. We felt the shocks from bombs being dropped by NG planes. It is something I had never heard before or since but it is burned in my memory for eternity.
This is nothing new. I have a close friend who was hired from three states away to do the costuming and makeup for these things almost a decade ago. Although I will say every time they are called the event has some relationship to Georgia which is an odd coincidence.
See that’s my gut feeling also. We know Georgia is one of the worst states politically. The fact that the Ad states up to $250. Why is it not just $250? It makes me think this used the “same actors” for training but in order to spend that budget each time the ones that put this on must post. As you can see it’s not the NG direct. There are just too many extra levels to something that’s very simple and doesn’t need them unless it’s shady acts happening in my honest opinion. We have all seen that Ashley B vid debunking the murder. In the beginning they place emphasis on crisis actor training. Well bingo this company could be another smoking gun.
Actors to simulate mass casualty situations. They dress up and put on makeup to look like horrific wounds for realism. The military does it a lot for training.
I'm not far from there....I'll check this out.
Need Patriots with camera glasses to show up. We need to give this to Project Veritas ASAP.
Please do. I’m not far either but my family situation doesn’t lend to me exploring. I’d love to hear a report on the situation.
Just odd that they wouldn’t get Georgia actors, this fact makes it smell fishy?
yes, they could bus them in....Anniston, AL is about 30 -40 miles from the Georgia state line. I'm wondering why the Georgia Nat'l Guard needs to go to AL to train.
Big magazine in annaston so I reckon lots of space.
The only way to be 100% sure is to sign up and see for yourself.
Ehh, false flag inbound.
That is what jumped out at me also
The Georgia National Guard would use their own people in a mock exercise. Especially in this national climate, this is either an Antifa or BLM ruse meant to gather people and to do a ruse like the Capitol or our National Guard has lost its mind. I don't believe the latter.
My advice would be to stay away. This is the lifted trap with the carrot inside for the rabbit. We are at war. That is plain to see.
Better than no response at all would be to form a militia to show up and says, "What's happening? Is it on?"
There is a NG training base in Anniston called FT McClellan. The NG shares resources between states like certain facilities and ranges.
Indeed. Every summer in Michigan units from Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are seen convoying up I-75 to train at Camp Grayling in the Northern Lower Peninsula. There are 100s of miles of unimproved roads all over a dozen or more counties that are not maintained by the county that we have always called 'tank trails'. Because of the geology of the region these trails are deep mostly hard packed sand called Kalkaska sand (this is actually Michigans 'State soil' like you would have a State bird). There are also live fire zones and bomber ranges.
Couple of interesting anecdotes about this area. Growing up my dad owned 3 acres on the Au Sable River outside Grayling. One afternoon we took his Bronco out 4 wheeling on the tank trails when a NG helo landed just in front of us. They told us to leave the area immediately as they would be commencing live fire exercises. The Helo took off but we were stuck in the sand. We frantically undug ourselves. Never heard a shot fired while we were there.
Later in my 20s dad had given me the property and I sold it and used the proceeds to buy 20 acres about 15 miles north near Waters, Michigan. One night while me and my buddies were up there for the trout opener the NG had a training exercise and we could hear the artillery and machine gun fire all night long. We felt the shocks from bombs being dropped by NG planes. It is something I had never heard before or since but it is burned in my memory for eternity.
This is common. When we trained for a particular op, we would employ local actors to play civilians, civilian casualties, civilian hostages, etc.
It only becomes suspicious when a FF occurs shortly before, or right after a scheduled training evolution.
This is nothing new. I have a close friend who was hired from three states away to do the costuming and makeup for these things almost a decade ago. Although I will say every time they are called the event has some relationship to Georgia which is an odd coincidence.
See that’s my gut feeling also. We know Georgia is one of the worst states politically. The fact that the Ad states up to $250. Why is it not just $250? It makes me think this used the “same actors” for training but in order to spend that budget each time the ones that put this on must post. As you can see it’s not the NG direct. There are just too many extra levels to something that’s very simple and doesn’t need them unless it’s shady acts happening in my honest opinion. We have all seen that Ashley B vid debunking the murder. In the beginning they place emphasis on crisis actor training. Well bingo this company could be another smoking gun.
Actors to simulate mass casualty situations. They dress up and put on makeup to look like horrific wounds for realism. The military does it a lot for training.
Right but I wonder why the GA NG would be in Anniston vs the AL NG? Just seems odd.
Close together and roomy
Yeah that's a good question. Maybe they have a training facility?
Why is Georgia NG going to Alabama for this?