I can't wait for the dots to be connected between Wexner and DeSwine, as Ohio was one of the first states to be locked down, and really looks like we'll be one of the last to be released. Mikey suffers from a terminal case of LMS. (Little Man Syndrome)
They are passing legislation in OH where the powers of the governor will become limited and help in check. The R's have a veto-proof super majority in the state house and senate, so it looks like this thing is going to actually happen. As a proud Cincinnatian, I am praying that this legislation ultimately passes and we can end the tyrannical reign of Mr Magoo (DeWine)
Im life long Ohioan. I have really grown to despise DeRino. Hope he goes down. Sick of his lockdown and slow walking the reopening. He acts and talks like he is our caretaker and loving this found fake power
Hi friend. I'm your neighbor to the South living in Kentucky. We also are having the same issues. I wouldn't doubt if Beshear is somehow linked to all this mess. I know for sure he's linked to China. Why anyone from China would come to (in their mind) backwards ass Kentucky to meet a Governor is beyond me.
Don't forget Dewine.
I can't wait for the dots to be connected between Wexner and DeSwine, as Ohio was one of the first states to be locked down, and really looks like we'll be one of the last to be released. Mikey suffers from a terminal case of LMS. (Little Man Syndrome)
I’m interested. Can you give me a place to start? Please and thank you.
They are passing legislation in OH where the powers of the governor will become limited and help in check. The R's have a veto-proof super majority in the state house and senate, so it looks like this thing is going to actually happen. As a proud Cincinnatian, I am praying that this legislation ultimately passes and we can end the tyrannical reign of Mr Magoo (DeWine)
Im life long Ohioan. I have really grown to despise DeRino. Hope he goes down. Sick of his lockdown and slow walking the reopening. He acts and talks like he is our caretaker and loving this found fake power
You’ll still open before KY because Beshear doesn’t make a move until DeWine does.
For real. Hi neighbor! (also KY Pede)
Hi friend. I'm your neighbor to the South living in Kentucky. We also are having the same issues. I wouldn't doubt if Beshear is somehow linked to all this mess. I know for sure he's linked to China. Why anyone from China would come to (in their mind) backwards ass Kentucky to meet a Governor is beyond me.
Ain't that the cuck governor of Ohio?