86 WHICH ONE IS YOUR FAVORITE (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by LIBERTYanon 3 years ago by LIBERTYanon +86 / -0 18 comments download share 18 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Nothing is sexier than an F-15. Let's face it the Rapter is just an Eagle with a boob job wearing a Bikini.
F-14 Tomcat was the most beautiful of fighters.
To me the Tomcat was the Eagles handsome older brother. You had a man crush on him but you wanted to marry the Eagle. :) That Eagle thrust to weight ratio is so sexy it hurts.
Tunnels. Expose them all.
Dang, had to get to the bottom for this comment?
Anything with a flag!
The sunset pic.
The one mirroring Scavino’s incessant posts with the plane of course. ?
Or maybe, the one where you have to walk through the darkness to see the light.
Visually, the sunrise. Emotionally, the tunnel
Military socials have become rather proficient hopium dealers...
One of these things is not like the other!
All of the above...
Why should I assume the military is on our side again? Because Q says so? As far as I know they have been dogs of the elites since their conception