Not all, but A LOT of them are holding onto their victim card for as long as they can. The propaganda and dems have only spiraled the situation further.
In the 60's they had or were starting to make nuclear families lol Actually really close to having a majority of their population join the fucking society. Unfortunately our Government didn't want that to happen. Now they are worst than they ever have been.
The thing is, American's of African descent really are victims. Too many don't understand how, and the people who say "we are helping you" are the ones committing the crimes against them, but victims they are. In truth all of We The People are their victims, but there are phenotype specific crimes.
It will be so nice when we destroy their institutions of suppression and division. By and large, the American people haven't been racist in decades. Soon there will be no more crimes against us based on one phenotype or another. We The People will no longer tolerate it.
An end to racial division is coming.
An end to all manufactured divisions is coming.
World peace, the natural state of a post scarcity world (our world), is coming.
"You guys cant assemble together because we fear of white supremacy"
*gathers 500 black people to shut down and entire part of a city, flips and burns down vehicles, breaks windows, loots, robs, steals and threatens to kill any and every white person they see....
Exactly.. I have entire cities I'm recommended not to visit for my safety... But I am the one oppressing everyone? The FUQ?
As a white male I grew up one of 6 kids, we lived in a trailer. When I turned 18 I joined the Military because its the only way I could pay for college... When I got to college I worked 3 jobs, plus the military (NG) to pay my way through a shitty apartment I shared with 3 other people...
I have been denied grants because I am not a minority. I have been set back or put on hold for something because I am not a minority. I have been excessively handled by LEO because I am not a minority.. My first encounter with the law I was thrown on the ground and elbowed in the face over mistaken identity. The cops words were "Don't worry hes a white guy" when asked about if he was excessive...
I have been told I can't come into certain areas on campus because it was for "African American students only" Hell, my college campus tried to give African Americans free tuition for life... It didn't work out, but they still tried..
I attended WKU in Kentucky at the same time I was in the Kentucky Guard...
The US GOV paid Saudi Arabian nationals to come to the US and attend US colleges... I assume it was because we bombed them to death for 30 years..
But on top of free college, they received a $5,000 check MONTHLY from the US govt.. EVERY SINGLE MONTH...
EVERY SINGLE ONE drove a brand new BMW, Maserati, Lamborghini, if it was an exotic import, you'd find it on campus..
Imagine how I felt as a veteran serving my country, getting only 75% of my tuiton paid, and making $200 a month for spending 3 days in a piss/mold soaked tent a month, with the possibility of dying, all while having to take out federal student loans... I WAS HEATEDDDDDDDDD
It's a big brother tactic to keep us divided. This bullshit is so beyond comprehension at this point. How tf the black community hasn't had enough of the gaslighting and bullshit is beyond me. The irony of corporate America pushing the racism and slavery narrative while companies like Nike literally have slaves making their products in China as we speak....child slaves of all colors being sold throughout the world....Christians being killed...South African farmers being murdered for the color of their skin...etc etc etc...I'm fucking sick of this bullshit.
It works so easily because many people want to feel important and recognized, so they latch onto the "victim culture" and manufactured oppression being sold to them.
We are now seeing this happen with Asians, to some extent as identity politics are being pushed on them.
As an Officer, the fact that he made a statement about leading people whom remind him of the ones that once oppressed him should be enough to strip him of his ranks.....
If youre telling me that you have a preconceived notion about people that work under you, which evolves around the color of their skin... and you mean to tell me that doesn't make HIM the RACIST?????
If you can't handle leading someone then you shouldn't be a fucking leader, point blank.....
This is why ROTC should be cancelled... Fucking Liberal Pussies commissioning and thinking they can do or say whatever they want. Fucking trash piece of shit.
You know what we do with our 2LTs??? We run their fucking dicks off, especially if they came from ROTC.... "Yes sir you'll have my respect momentarily but right now you are in MY training course"
The crazy part is he has to know how divisive he is being. He also has to know that talking like that will only lead us to one direction. And he will feel the pain as much as all of us. Military or not. This will come back to haunt even the ones that are complicit in this destruction of America.
He doesn't care how divising he is being... He feels oppressed by the white man and literally nothing except his personal revenge will change those feelings, even then they likely will only dull slightly....
He is a racist leader, point blank... I couldn't imagine being a troop under this man, and then reading his comments... I wouldnt feel safe with this guy leading me to CHOW, how can I trust this man as an officer to ensure he doesn't send me into a trap to get me killed because of the color of my skin??
Yep, I just watched a debate between a black person who was arguing how oppressed he is and how America is so racist because of systematic oppression. Yet the person arguing this was worth around $20 million and in a high position of power. Its really hard to take this stuff seriously when you have all these wealthy, powerful people crying about their "oppression".
The problem with "diversity" is that you can overemphasize the differences and ignore all of the the similarities between people. Metaphorically, you're building walls between people, when what you really want to do is build roads.
We are all more similar than we are different. We're one big, human family. We should never lose sight of this fact.
Chief Diversity Officer... ? Is that like one of those old Soviet Political Officers?
There are no colors in the military. In 8 years in the Marines, you learn quickly to see only green. Might be because the standard of personal behavior expected of Marines in all circumstances makes some of these individual differences moot. There is no eccentricity, no whining about grievances, or any other BS.
I despise this whole idea, and I despise wholeheartedly that lefties insist on using the military as a social laboratory. These dumb f-k's room everything they touch.
Not all, but A LOT of them are holding onto their victim card for as long as they can. The propaganda and dems have only spiraled the situation further.
In the 60's they had or were starting to make nuclear families lol Actually really close to having a majority of their population join the fucking society. Unfortunately our Government didn't want that to happen. Now they are worst than they ever have been.
The thing is, American's of African descent really are victims. Too many don't understand how, and the people who say "we are helping you" are the ones committing the crimes against them, but victims they are. In truth all of We The People are their victims, but there are phenotype specific crimes.
It will be so nice when we destroy their institutions of suppression and division. By and large, the American people haven't been racist in decades. Soon there will be no more crimes against us based on one phenotype or another. We The People will no longer tolerate it.
An end to racial division is coming.
An end to all manufactured divisions is coming.
World peace, the natural state of a post scarcity world (our world), is coming.
Can you feel it?
I can feel it.
everyone is prejudice to some degree. and it does not have to be prejudice against skin color.
Example: trailer parks.
"You guys cant assemble together because we fear of white supremacy"
*gathers 500 black people to shut down and entire part of a city, flips and burns down vehicles, breaks windows, loots, robs, steals and threatens to kill any and every white person they see....
Exactly.. I have entire cities I'm recommended not to visit for my safety... But I am the one oppressing everyone? The FUQ?
As a white male I grew up one of 6 kids, we lived in a trailer. When I turned 18 I joined the Military because its the only way I could pay for college... When I got to college I worked 3 jobs, plus the military (NG) to pay my way through a shitty apartment I shared with 3 other people...
I have been denied grants because I am not a minority. I have been set back or put on hold for something because I am not a minority. I have been excessively handled by LEO because I am not a minority.. My first encounter with the law I was thrown on the ground and elbowed in the face over mistaken identity. The cops words were "Don't worry hes a white guy" when asked about if he was excessive...
I have been told I can't come into certain areas on campus because it was for "African American students only" Hell, my college campus tried to give African Americans free tuition for life... It didn't work out, but they still tried..
I attended WKU in Kentucky at the same time I was in the Kentucky Guard...
The US GOV paid Saudi Arabian nationals to come to the US and attend US colleges... I assume it was because we bombed them to death for 30 years..
But on top of free college, they received a $5,000 check MONTHLY from the US govt.. EVERY SINGLE MONTH... EVERY SINGLE ONE drove a brand new BMW, Maserati, Lamborghini, if it was an exotic import, you'd find it on campus..
Imagine how I felt as a veteran serving my country, getting only 75% of my tuiton paid, and making $200 a month for spending 3 days in a piss/mold soaked tent a month, with the possibility of dying, all while having to take out federal student loans... I WAS HEATEDDDDDDDDD
It's a big brother tactic to keep us divided. This bullshit is so beyond comprehension at this point. How tf the black community hasn't had enough of the gaslighting and bullshit is beyond me. The irony of corporate America pushing the racism and slavery narrative while companies like Nike literally have slaves making their products in China as we speak....child slaves of all colors being sold throughout the world....Christians being killed...South African farmers being murdered for the color of their skin...etc etc etc...I'm fucking sick of this bullshit.
It works so easily because many people want to feel important and recognized, so they latch onto the "victim culture" and manufactured oppression being sold to them.
We are now seeing this happen with Asians, to some extent as identity politics are being pushed on them.
As an Officer, the fact that he made a statement about leading people whom remind him of the ones that once oppressed him should be enough to strip him of his ranks.....
If youre telling me that you have a preconceived notion about people that work under you, which evolves around the color of their skin... and you mean to tell me that doesn't make HIM the RACIST?????
If you can't handle leading someone then you shouldn't be a fucking leader, point blank..... This is why ROTC should be cancelled... Fucking Liberal Pussies commissioning and thinking they can do or say whatever they want. Fucking trash piece of shit.
You know what we do with our 2LTs??? We run their fucking dicks off, especially if they came from ROTC.... "Yes sir you'll have my respect momentarily but right now you are in MY training course"
Ive been "around the block" a time or two..
The crazy part is he has to know how divisive he is being. He also has to know that talking like that will only lead us to one direction. And he will feel the pain as much as all of us. Military or not. This will come back to haunt even the ones that are complicit in this destruction of America.
He doesn't care how divising he is being... He feels oppressed by the white man and literally nothing except his personal revenge will change those feelings, even then they likely will only dull slightly....
He is a racist leader, point blank... I couldn't imagine being a troop under this man, and then reading his comments... I wouldnt feel safe with this guy leading me to CHOW, how can I trust this man as an officer to ensure he doesn't send me into a trap to get me killed because of the color of my skin??
"Chief Diversity Officer"
Talk about a job title that gets my blood boiling. Just reading it makes me angry.
Yep, I just watched a debate between a black person who was arguing how oppressed he is and how America is so racist because of systematic oppression. Yet the person arguing this was worth around $20 million and in a high position of power. Its really hard to take this stuff seriously when you have all these wealthy, powerful people crying about their "oppression".
The problem with "diversity" is that you can overemphasize the differences and ignore all of the the similarities between people. Metaphorically, you're building walls between people, when what you really want to do is build roads.
We are all more similar than we are different. We're one big, human family. We should never lose sight of this fact.
Chief Diversity Officer... ? Is that like one of those old Soviet Political Officers?
There are no colors in the military. In 8 years in the Marines, you learn quickly to see only green. Might be because the standard of personal behavior expected of Marines in all circumstances makes some of these individual differences moot. There is no eccentricity, no whining about grievances, or any other BS.
I despise this whole idea, and I despise wholeheartedly that lefties insist on using the military as a social laboratory. These dumb f-k's room everything they touch.