Gun control push, here we go.
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And right after a judge said Boulder can't make its own gun laws independent of the state... Hmmmmm...
Just in time to cover up for the Biden Baby Burritos Build Back Better Boondoggle
This and implement gun control legislation. We all know their song and dance. It’s pretty tiresome and sick.
False Flags back in style suddenly.
Don't forget. Your 2nd Amendment is provided by God and is to be used as his armor to protect against evil.
Look at Aunt Bea in her pig hat.
If you don’t watch the news, or pay any attention to anything on the grid, the gun control push isn’t happening.
When it is found that all of these incidents are false flags organized by the democrats there will be hell to pay. Literally.
They didn't get their false flag in Atlanta because it wasn't 'rayciss', he shot TWO whites. If they find out he was an anti-white supremacist they'll bury the story.
This one today in Colorado, quick on the heels of the Atlanta shootin' sex-addict, wasn't obvious at all. Just what the radicals want . . . semi-auto rifle that holds '500-bullet clips'. geeze. 10 dead, including a 51 year old veteran officer. I don't understand why they didn't ventilate the scum, it would have been a whole lot cheaper on the taxpayers.
Hang onto your guns, folks, Lizard Warren wants 'em all. Bet we'll see this in the House this week.
The year of the FF has begun.
Just throwing it out there...its possible they were even fake shootings. Im waiting to find out more news. Super sketchy so far.
I assume fake right off the bat at this point.
Show me some bodies.
Sorry to sound cold. There used to be a guy pre-Trump when this shit happened every month who offered a reward. I think it was $100,000 if you could show him proof of ANYONE injured or killed in 33 (get it?) different events.
He had several videos where he was talking to someone about how fake the news was, and they'd agree, but then say "oh, but X shooting was real because my cousin got shot".
The guy with the reward would say "REALLY? because I have $100,000 for you if you can just give me his hospital room number so I can see that he's really there".
The response was usually a sudden shift to anger "FUCK YOU I DONT NEED YOUR MONEY!!!!!"
Ill have to see if I can find that guy. Some of it is just too many suspicious coincidences.
This dude leg is covered in blood yet he is being walked away? Where did his shirt go and all that? Is there vid of him going in? This is a major chain store we should get angles from everywhere.
Like sandy hook - i don't want to be cold but who ordered the porta potties and why did they cover it up? Seriously that 1 simple fact is enough to throw that entire event into question and that's one of at least 10 I can think of instantly
It's one of the guys that runs (who have a bunch of videos about this shooting already) but his name is totally slipping my mind. I didn't go to that website for basically the whole Trump presidency since I was focused on Pizzagate and Q.
All the guys that were run off of Youtube have mostly congregated at 153 but most of the top key people are totally MIA now.
AH-HA! Got it!
Side Thorn Journalist.
I don't know if he's still active, but that seems to be his 153news channel.