START ON PAGE 8 - The fanfic is there to obscure the real info.
HRC wasn't supposed to lose!?
EVERGREEN was her code name?!
The Cabal had it all laid out in 2015, even coaching the Coast Guard and others on the EXACT scenario that would have occurred!
They were gonna flood the world with weather weapons and blame it on Climate Change.
"When do you call a plumber?" - Q
When there is a leak!
Someone leaked their game-plan. This is it. The leaker put a stupid fanfic at the start to make sure anyone reading it would check out after the "butts" and not see the real important info. It even worked on here on my original post! No one bothered to read ahead...
Use your heads guys, this is it!
Edit: Here is a synopsis of the Coast Guard workshops and why this exists:
Look at all these past scenarios!
He's trying to make you waste your time so you don't continue researching and spreading info. Ignore the sleepy trolls.
I'm aware of that, but considering he seems to be a rather convincing member of the community, I've held off on deporting him until I'm sure he is a glowie.
If he is, he is the most embedded and long-term glowie I've ever seen.
This board was lit up with weather weapon talk two months ago when the ice storm barreled through. I thought it was a well known and accepted reality/possibility at this point.
His hesitance to follow me and find that video is suspect as hell, though. If he wanted to prove me wrong, I've given him every opportunity.
I'm open to being wrong, but I've seen too much to indicate this particular document is of importance.
It even talks of sharks. Which Kayleigh McEnany is currently pinning on her Twitter page.
His tone in this thread gives him away as a sleeper shill. He's working waaay to hard trying to debunk your theory. And it's not like yours is particularly far-fetched.
His efforts suggest to me that you've hit a nerve.